Toronto Studio and Studio2 on Richmond | 131.06m | 41s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

So much for the hopes of an interesting design aspect too. :(

Actually, of the four proposals shown that evening, this was by far the best design. Kudos to Quadrangle Architects, great job so far! The podium design is fantastic.

Source: Adam Vaughan's Flickr
I like randomness, but not those balconies on the podiuim. Lose the balconies, and I think it would look much better.
The only major problem with this design is that much of University Plaza remains exposed...
How true. Back to the drawing board! Seriously! Hide the blight!

I think the original designs hid much more of the blight, and that the new design is in part a response to complaints from UP residents about blocked views/light.
The second tower (if there is one) should cover at least half the blight. A paint cannon can take care of the rest (well, IMO ... still be a mediocre building however its the colours that make it unforgivable)
From Adam Vaughan's Ward 20 March 2009 Newsletter

199 Richmond St W

(image available in PDF version of newsletter)

Les Klein of Quadrangle Architects presented Aspen Ridge Homes' revised proposal for 199 Richmond St W at Councillor Vaughan's King-Spadina Development meeting January 20. The original plan was for a 35 storey tower at the south-west corner of the site, along with an 18 storey S-shaped building.

Based on concerns about the mass of the building on the street and feedback from Planning staff that the warehouse character of the district should be reinforced, the proposal has been revised to include two 47-storey point towers with very small floorplates (535 sq m).

The towers will sit on an 8 storey podium and a 5 storey building on the north side of Nelson. The design of the building is aimed to be as light a structure as possible, with glass corners for lightness.

The project would be mixed use, with office space, retail and community space at the lower levels, and residential use above. The loading for the building will be done internally, with a 2nd storey landscaped courtyard above the loading zone. The north-south laneway separating the new building from 140 Simcoe St to the east would be widened to ensure that vehicles could easily enter the loading zone within the building.

Fifteen per cent of the units would be either 3 or 2 bedroom units plus den, to accommodate families. The proponents may also consider constructing the building in two phases, with one tower at a time. The project would also try to support the city's initiative to upgrade the pedestrian environment on Nelson Street with wide sidewalks and a double row of tree plantings.

The image shown is the same as above (from Adam Vaughan's Flickr page)
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Richmond, across from Yuk yuks

Saw a sign announcing a proposal for development of the parking lot across from Yuk Yuks on Richmond. Does any one have any info on this? I did a search but came up empty.
Anybody have any update on this project. Nothing about it on the Aspen Ridge web site. It's a big one for the area and will really add to the density of the skyline west of university.
