Toronto Studio and Studio2 on Richmond | 131.06m | 41s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

A shot of Studio 1 activity (is this technically site prep or excavation?) from the 3rd floor of 205:

Seeing massive parking lots like this one bite the dust after sucking the life out of the streets they afflict for decades is so incredibly satisfying.
Seeing massive parking lots like this one bite the dust after sucking the life out of the streets they afflict for decades is so incredibly satisfying.

At least a parking lot is an open space. Once every parking lot between Parliament and Bathurst south of Bloor has been developed right up to the property line, it is going to be stifling downtown! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
At least a parking lot is an open space. Once every parking lot between Parliament and Bathurst south of Bloor has been developed right up to the property line, it is going to be stifling downtown! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

There is more shade created by the towers right up to the property line than an asphalt parking lot? Doesn't the wind in the windy city get generated by tall towers. I would think asphalt parking lots would tend to be more stifling.
At least a parking lot is an open space. Once every parking lot between Parliament and Bathurst south of Bloor has been developed right up to the property line, it is going to be stifling downtown! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

A parking spot is a dead space. A tower with residences is a living space that can possess an interesting and inviting street-level environment. I'll take the tower and the wind as opposed to the deadly-dull parking lot which - surprise - could be quite wind-swept as well.
The best part about this project isn't necessarily the building itself, or the loss of the parking lot, but rather that it covers up the west facade of University Plaza. I would feel bad for the residents if it wasn't such a hideous structure.
I thought the Studio sign and showroom looked great - like a little nightclub just waiting to happen. Someone should get a blimp and airlift it to the corner of Carlton and Church!

I wonder what happens to a lot of these showrooms. I doubt they're designed to be too weatherproof, but some of them would make stylish homes or pavilions.

As for University Plaza, whenever the forum gets into one of it's stylistic bitch-snits, we should all probably pause, lower our hats, and gaze somberly at this building as a reminder of what we have generally escaped.
University Plaza, along with the Star of Downtown and Portland Park are perhaps the three most unfortunate buildings to be constructed thus far this cycle.
