Toronto Studio and Studio2 on Richmond | 131.06m | 41s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

There has been some activity on site the last few days. On Tuesday hydro was covering the overhead wires down Adelaide; today, there were workers taking down the the advertisements along the same stretch. Parking is still fully functional.
For the longest time their ads in the Condo Guide have stated that construction starts in the fall of 2012. I don't remember ever seeing construction start ahead of schedule.
Hopefully. This is definitely one of the finer designs in the district and fills up a large parking lot so lets get this baby under way asap.
This is unreal. Studio 2 already nearing 75% sold. With sales this hot, it's totally possible to see construction start in the spring (or summer).
Curious, on the north west site, there is an existing 7 story brick office building.
What is happening to it ?

Is the development just to the east of it ? Does that mean the parking lot portion directly behind the existing office building will remain for now ?
This is unreal. Studio 2 already nearing 75% sold. With sales this hot, it's totally possible to see construction start in the spring (or summer).

Hasnt that been the plan (mentioned a couple pages back), to start the dig this summer
Also on a lighter note, Picasso which hit the market just months ago is already 75% sold... Crazy:D
Curious, on the north west site, there is an existing 7 story brick office building.
What is happening to it ?

Is the development just to the east of it ? Does that mean the parking lot portion directly behind the existing office building will remain for now ?

That building was recently purchased by OCADU and, along with the two buildings across Richmond, form art of the school's campus. The entire parking lot on that block will be part of the Studio complex.
Hasnt that been the plan (mentioned a couple pages back), to start the dig this summer
Also on a lighter note, Picasso which hit the market just months ago is already 75% sold... Crazy:D

That's no surprise. That's the kind of design people buy into just so that they can say they live there. I hope more developers begin to understand the correlation between good architecture and sales, a relationship that is becoming more and more evident within the downtown core.
That building was recently purchased by OCADU and, along with the two buildings across Richmond, form art of the school's campus. The entire parking lot on that block will be part of the Studio complex.

Gotcha, so they're building around this one building on the corner of the lot.

Does ocad really need all that space ?
Gotcha, so they're building around this one building on the corner of the lot.

Does ocad really need all that space ?

They've recently gained university status, so it makes sense that they're looking to expand. Still, even with the recent purchases on Richmond and the additional space that they will get in the Studio podium, their campus is not that large:
There's a decent sized parking lot @ McCaul & Stephanie Street which would be perfect location if OCADU ever has any plans to expand. The Sharp Centre is controversial, but I think another quirky Alsop design would work well. McCaul is such a deadzone side street despite being fairly centralized and moderately high density, something outrageous might be what is needed to liven it up.
That's no surprise. That's the kind of design people buy into just so that they can say they live there. I hope more developers begin to understand the correlation between good architecture and sales, a relationship that is becoming more and more evident within the downtown core.

That surprised me a bit as well. I would consider the pricing for Picasso fairly high, the Toronto pre-con market never ceases to amaze.
They've recently gained university status, so it makes sense that they're looking to expand. Still, even with the recent purchases on Richmond and the additional space that they will get in the Studio podium, their campus is not that large:

From the link:

205 Richmond Street West (at Duncan)
In September 2007, OCAD U acquired a new building at 205 Richmond Street West. Historically known as the “New Textile Building”, this seven-storey office structure is approximately 70,000 sq ft in size. While planning is currently underway for the partially tenanted building, it represents much-needed space for research and administrative offices, offices for graduate students and faculty, and meeting/seminar space.

230-240 Richmond Street West (at Duncan)
In March 2010, OCAD U purchased two adjoining buildings at 230 and 240 Richmond Street West in Toronto, adding an additional 114,000 ft² to the university’s campus. The purchase was financed in part by a Strategic Capital Infrastructure Program grant for $7.5 million from May 2009 from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The space is the proposed home of the Digital Futures Centre, the Centre for Visual Studies and the Aboriginal Visual Culture Centre. OCAD U immediately occupied 15,000 ft² within the properties (while commercial tenants concluded the remainder of their leases).

It's nice to see that even though Richmond is losing its clubby atmosphere, it will still be a street dominated by youth and the arts.
