Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

The guy not being tied off is the most glaring. The guy standing on the load isn't really any worse than a guy climbing over a guardrail into a swingstage IMO. An inspector would likely see it differently, but it's not much more dangerous. As for the second video, are you referring to the one where they are in their lunchroom? You're kind of sort of allowed to take off your lid in there. Depends on the MOL Inspector. A lot of them look the other way for that.

Nope, the no lid is in the same video as the guy not tied off. And standing on a load for any reason is always a no-no (again, not saying I've never done it, but you're not going to find video of me doing it on youtube either). The difference between that and a swingstage is that a swingstage is an engineered work platform while a job box is not. And even then, I've been on sites where swingstages had to be either run down to the ground or up to the roof, with no disembarking midway because the engineered papers called them work platforms, not access/egress platforms.

And as a disclaimer, I've worked with at least two of the three guys I pointed out (and quite a few of the others), and I know for fact that they're a solid bunch who are just messing around. Those videos could really cause a lot of headaches for a lot of people, tho. Look at the response they've gotten here, where it doesn't matter, and then think what happens if Lewis or 180UNI decides to make an issue of it.
Being high is the not the same thing as being drunk. You can still be very productive while high. In fact, some people work better when they're high. You become even more aware of your surroundings.

The problem with pot is that it can be unpredictable. I enjoyed it in my youth, but every so often, I'd have some serious reactions - sometimes mental, sometimes physical, sometimes both. I can't imagine if I'd been on a job, or driving a vehicle.

To compare weed to alcohol is a little silly.

Speaking of silly, I walked by Trump on the weekend and that mural looks as ridiculous and out of place in person as it does in photos.
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This may be the only vantage point that really shows off Ice 1 & 2, L-Tower, Trump, Shangri-La all at once. So dense! And just wait until all those under construction and approved entertainment district projects fill in the middle-left foreground even more. It'll add serious depth and density to this shot.

The problem with pot is that it can be unpredictable. I enjoyed it in my youth, but every so often, I'd have some serious reactions - sometimes mental, sometimes physical, sometimes both. I can't imagine if I'd been on a job, or driving a vehicle.

To compare weed to alcohol is a little silly.

Speaking of silly, I walked by Trump on the weekend and that mural looks as ridiculous and out of place in person as it does in photos.

if I had a choice between a doctor operating on me after a bowl of chron, vz a couple shots/beers at the bar....bring on the weed!!! I'll load it for ya! It's not even close. There are plenty of cases where herb has increased worker productivity, herb magnifies whats already there in a person, (Smart stay smart, idiots are still idiots) alcohol alters a person, and creates traits that dont exist outside of the bottle. My live in girlfriend the last 6 years was a drunk, The herb never altered her,if anything it stabilized her , the bottle created the devil!!
Spire on the Rise

Photo by darkwaders on Flickr:

if I had a choice between a doctor operating on me after a bowl of chron, vz a couple shots/beers at the bar....bring on the weed!!! I'll load it for ya! It's not even close. There are plenty of cases where herb has increased worker productivity, herb magnifies whats already there in a person, (Smart stay smart, idiots are still idiots) alcohol alters a person, and creates traits that dont exist outside of the bottle. My live in girlfriend the last 6 years was a drunk, The herb never altered her,if anything it stabilized her , the bottle created the devil!!

Well, not everyone's the same and not everyone's like your girlfriend. If I was your doctor, you'd prefer the drink in me.
Trump spire... SMART! am i right hater?
I always thought the spire would be even closer to the north-west corner, because it looks like its several feet away from the corner, the LED strip is suppose to connect with it right?
Holy cow, even the Mechanical Box is looking sexy for some reason...

BTW: Wonder how much the building swayed during the earthquake,

EDIT: and yes, Trump has the 4th tallest roof in the city (right behind commerce court west i believe), and with that spire piece sticking out, probably the 4th tallest building
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OK, so updated answers. I was wrong, and you're all right :p

Yes, they connect. The gray steel at the top is all park of the jacking tower. Those will help to jack the spire upwards, and be used to trolley it outwards towards the Northwest corner. That's why the spire is sitting so far "inwards". Afterwards, the entire spire will bear on the Northwest column, and that beam on L50 will be removed. For some reason I thought this wasn't the case - probably because I find it rather insane for all of that weight (150 tons+) to be bearing on that single column. But anyway, I hope that answers all your questions, and sorry for the confusion.

Right now, the new updated plan is to jack the spire on the long weekend.

cool stuff!... Do you mind me asking how many days a week are you in the tower?... were you there for the earthquake?
Wow, the whole load on one support. Crazy. Although the onion dome may help to distribute the weight to the whole northwest corner?
