Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

WOW! Spectacular shots! i love how tall this tower looks from above ground! You really notice things that don't stand out as much from ground level. What a skyscraper we've got here. You never really appreciate how tall Trump is because of scotia/bay adelaide... It looks much taller in those shots (like it should :) )
by me


stalker cal at it again, wish I had the video running these girls were hilarious.. trying to get all up in a brother's cam


The girls in the rainbow topped tried to jump into my face.. and tried to get on cam, but I wasn't rolling video..

too cute..
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something about cameras that make women lose their minds. Used to do camera work for a friend and I got a lot of girls that way. LOL
Awesome last shot Caltrane! The streetwall looks perfect from there! Boy, its super dense down there :)

In the first shot, i noticed the cladding looks lighter-couloured (more like the renders now) as it moves up!.. i think it looked so dark because of all the towers that create a shadow over the glass!
Urbandreamer, really cool shot you got there! Man, i've never seen trump so clearly from a distance! I never realized its so visible now!... we still have a ways to go before we see the real deal! I'm glad we're gonna see alot of the tower from the west!, this tower will get tons of attention from here as it rises :D
Hey! PURE EPIC shot you got there Ramako! boy! How did you get up so high! Amazing how trump is now becoming apart of the whole skyline from a distance! We still have a very long way to go before top off! This is the real exciting part cause it will be on its way to catchin up to BA :)
