Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

by me

Hey! Amazing shot you got there caltrane! Those columns at the top look taller than normal for some reason.. and by the looks of it. Trump looks exactly half the height of the Bay Adelaide Centre.. So i'd say trump is about 110m or so up! :D
They're at the condo lobby now maybe? Or has that already happened?

i think you're right! as i mentioned earlier, the current columns you see in caltrane's shot, look taller than usual... the skylobby IS on the 31st floor and i think thats the floor we're on now :)!

I wonder if (in the future) someone will supply us with a tour of the inside (with possible views too!)
Trump looks destine for greatness (lol) in that shot ^^^! All the setbacks are adding up to one awesome looking tower! And now that there's so much cladding! its just awesome! the curved glass will soon cover a larger portion of the tower so it'll look super shiny!
Trump will look AMAZING from that last shot because it is lined up EXACTLY on the corner where the spire will be!!! :D...

and south-west corner is looking fantastic! (how the corner cladding lines up looks super good!) in the first shot!

***Notice they're working on the skylobby now so there's a fairly large jump in height for this floor as seen in the last shot!
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VERY interesting shot you got there current!.... its interesting cause you captured all 3 very ICONIC skyscrapers in toronto (mostly because they are the "main players" in the financial district) and trump is gonna fit very nicely in between them!.. i'm sure with the spire, this view will be completed :D
If steveve received a dollar for every exclamation mark, he'd have enough for the largest penthouse in this building. :p

lol! I should probably stop :eek:
Speaking of penthouses, Trumps got some hardcore ones... I heard they're multiple stories high...

*And even with all my exclamation marks, i still probably wouldn't have raised enough money for trump's penthouse!!!.. how much is it anyway?
That second shot is STUNNING. Thanks lxmoss ;)

Additionally, I'm really loving the highrise prison aesthetic of the stone portion of the tower. Oh wait... no I don't.

Black granite or a sandier colour would've been nice instead of this dead grey. At the moment, it's just not convincing enough to me. And the windows are too small to create the right effect.
