Toronto SIX50 King West | ?m | 16s | Freed | Core Architects

Here is a shot I took yesterday. And as for that building on the west side, I like it as well. It's out of place on the street but it has a kind of Tokyo feel to it I like.

The thing with this building is if your not looking for it it blends right in with the older structures. I hope the proposal stays with red brick.
Yes, very typical.

Wait, whaaaaaaaaaa? BJL? Not ringing any bells right now...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.


I'd buy a condo from Pitt. And I hear he's a big architecture buff. I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about, buff to buff.
Well, funny thing, 42, I was talking to Brad Pitt about this the other day. And his thinking is that 650 King West is actually a pretty classy building, and that we as a city would be far better off imploding something else and rehabilitating this one. (It goes without saying that Brad Pitt is deeply concerned about the destruction of Toronto's modernist built heritage.)

It was at this point in the conversation that one of Brad Pitt's adopted children chimed in, with the - I thought - very astute observation that the top three floors of 650 King seem to be built of a different brick than the bottom two, and wondered aloud if was an addition?
Yup, that's right. If you take away the top three barren floors, you'd be left with a sweet Moderne lowrise--maybe nothing to write home about it, or to go out of the way to preserve, but...

Still, it ain't Crangles (RIP until facadectomy's complete)
I'd like to see what freed can do with red brick instead of minimalistic white + glass

I so agree. If you walk along Stewart Street between Portland and Bathurst, it is already a wall of white(ish) precast. It's okay, but is quite distinct from the rest of the neighbourhood and the great brick structures that inhabit it.
Very nice looking building, a vast improvement over what sits there right now. I would have liked a bit of red brick though.
I wonder if they will have any issues with respect to the King frontage?

I like the building, too; but I would like to see Freed's projects evolve a little more in terms of their appearance.
