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Toronto shootings

Distrust of the police was already strong in the black community, and with good reason. To be stopped by the police because your neighbourhood or car is too nice for you, aka DWB is stuff of a totalitarian state. And I can see it from the police perspective, you fish where the fish are, but your by-catch includes the vast majority of innocent civilians just living their lives. BLM is the affect of that distrust. not its cause. One of my best friends is black, an engineer for OPG, and he has an entire routine for the frequent traffic stops he gets from the police; windows down, both hands on steering wheel, glasses off, license, registration and insurance already out so not to be seen reaching into coat or glove box, and super polite to the point of gush. All things his parents taught him, to reduce his chances of getting killed by the police. It's called "the talk" and it's about keeping your children and young adults safe during their frequent interactions with the police.

We don't have soft on crime governments, but we do have a soft on crime justice system, with TPS chief reminding us that those charged with gun crimes are often out of bail, thus threatening any witnesses that come forward. Harper wanted to look tough with minimum sentencing laws, but the justice system refused to enact them.
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One of my best friends is black, an engineer for OPG, and he has an entire routine for the frequent traffic stops he gets from the police; windows down, both hands on steering wheel, glasses off, license, registration and insurance already out so not to be seen reaching into coat or glove box, and super polite to the point of gush. All things his parents taught his, to reduce his chances of getting killed by the police. It's called "the talk" and it's about keeping your children and young adults safe during their frequent interactions with the police.

I'm white and my father taught me the exact same thing.
I'm white and my father taught me the exact same thing.
I am too, but have never once been stopped by the police, except for the two times I was speeding. Those two times, yeah, I followed by friend's example.

But if I was getting stopped without reason, one would have to always keep a cool head.
Welcome to the Shootings Dashboard.

311 shootings in Toronto in 2019, not including the two last night.
311 shootings. How many of those shootings were committed by females? I bet the shooters (and their victims) were overwhelmingly males. And I think you find that is true not just in Toronto, not only across Canada, but across the whole world. The overwhelming maleness of violent crimes is the one thing unites every society, every culture in the world.

And that is because for hundreds of thousands of years, throughout most of human history, humans lived and survived within hunter-gatherer societies, and the males were the hunters, competing with each other. Those males that could not or would not kill animals and each other, did not survive; they did not pass on their genes. The most willing and most successful hunters were the ones who passed on their genes, and those are the genes we have today. So these shootings are as much a result of natural selection and evolutionary psychology as much as anything.

The human male does not just enjoy violence, they need violence. Therefore, to stop violence, we have to find ways to quench their thirst for violence. Video games for example almost all involve violence and killing, and not surprisingly they have huge, and mostly-male, audience. I don't think it is a coincidence that violent crime rates in Canada peaked in 1991, the year the Super Nintendo was introduced in North America. If we can find other ways to give the male an outlet for their violent tendencies, we can reduce violence crimes even further.

Further reading:
Why Are Men So Violent?
The Behavioral Ecology of Male Violence
Male warrior hypothesis
311 shootings. How many of those shootings were committed by females? I bet the shooters (and their victims) were overwhelmingly males. And I think you find that is true not just in Toronto, not only across Canada, but across the whole world. The overwhelming maleness of violent crimes is the one thing unites every society, every culture in the world.

And that is because for hundreds of thousands of years, throughout most of human history, humans lived and survived within hunter-gatherer societies, and the males were the hunters, competing with each other. Those males that could not or would not kill animals and each other, did not survive; they did not pass on their genes. The most willing and most successful hunters were the ones who passed on their genes, and those are the genes we have today. So these shootings are as much a result of natural selection and evolutionary psychology as much as anything.

The human male does not just enjoy violence, they need violence. Therefore, to stop violence, we have to find ways to quench their thirst for violence. Video games for example almost all involve violence and killing, and not surprisingly they have huge, and mostly-male, audience. I don't think it is a coincidence that violent crime rates in Canada peaked in 1991, the year the Super Nintendo was introduced in North America. If we can find other ways to give the male an outlet for their violent tendencies, we can reduce violence crimes even further.

Further reading:
Why Are Men So Violent?
The Behavioral Ecology of Male Violence
Male warrior hypothesis

It seems; therefore, that I am not male.
311 shootings. How many of those shootings were committed by females? I bet the shooters (and their victims) were overwhelmingly males. And I think you find that is true not just in Toronto, not only across Canada, but across the whole world. The overwhelming maleness of violent crimes is the one thing unites every society, every culture in the world.

And that is because for hundreds of thousands of years, throughout most of human history, humans lived and survived within hunter-gatherer societies, and the males were the hunters, competing with each other. Those males that could not or would not kill animals and each other, did not survive; they did not pass on their genes. The most willing and most successful hunters were the ones who passed on their genes, and those are the genes we have today. So these shootings are as much a result of natural selection and evolutionary psychology as much as anything.

The human male does not just enjoy violence, they need violence. Therefore, to stop violence, we have to find ways to quench their thirst for violence. Video games for example almost all involve violence and killing, and not surprisingly they have huge, and mostly-male, audience. I don't think it is a coincidence that violent crime rates in Canada peaked in 1991, the year the Super Nintendo was introduced in North America. If we can find other ways to give the male an outlet for their violent tendencies, we can reduce violence crimes even further.

Further reading:
Why Are Men So Violent?
The Behavioral Ecology of Male Violence
Male warrior hypothesis
SNES didn't quench anyone's thirst for violence. Of the top 5 games, 3 are Mario titles, one is Donkey Kong, and only the 5th most popular title, Street Fighter, involved anything approaching a real depiction of violence. First-person shooters didn't really emerge until the mid-90s. Meanwhile, 1991's top movie was Terminator 2. Which is much more violent than any video game from that time period. Nobody was rendering blood sprites in 1991 but Hollywood was still blowing everything up that they could afford to on film.
Distrust of the police was already strong in the black community, and with good reason. To be stopped by the police because your neighbourhood or car is too nice for you, aka DWB is stuff of a totalitarian state. And I can see it from the police perspective, you fish where the fish are, but your by-catch includes the vast majority of innocent civilians just living their lives. BLM is the affect of that distrust. not its cause. One of my best friends is black, an engineer for OPG, and he has an entire routine for the frequent traffic stops he gets from the police; windows down, both hands on steering wheel, glasses off, license, registration and insurance already out so not to be seen reaching into coat or glove box, and super polite to the point of gush. All things his parents taught him, to reduce his chances of getting killed by the police. It's called "the talk" and it's about keeping your children and young adults safe during their frequent interactions with the police.

We don't have soft on crime governments, but we do have a soft on crime justice system, with TPS chief reminding us that those charged with gun crimes are often out of bail, thus threatening any witnesses that come forward. Harper wanted to look tough with minimum sentencing laws, but the justice system refused to enact them.

The issue we have in Ottawa is most of the shooting happen in low income areas and most people who live there are scared to talk to the police or even the media.
Sure, makes sense. If the guy you narc on is out on nail in 24 hours, you’d not talk either.
Proving that the problem is the federal government, and not local police.
Toronto homicide rate up about 30% since Trudeau elected. I believe Ottawa's is up even more.
Proving that the problem is the federal government, and not local police.
Toronto homicide rate up about 30% since Trudeau elected. I believe Ottawa's is up even more.
The Ontario and Federal justice systems that’s to blame. They’re the ones giving bail to the accused shooters.

Certainly the Feds could pass laws saying no bail for gun crimes, but that would fill up the jails quickly, and likely not stand up to a Charter challenge. Considering that most of these gangstas seems to have criminal records, perhaps keeping them in jail longer once convicted would suffice.
The Ontario and Federal justice systems that’s to blame. They’re the ones giving bail to the accused shooters.

Certainly the Feds could pass laws saying no bail for gun crimes, but that would fill up the jails quickly, and likely not stand up to a Charter challenge. Considering that most of these gangstas seems to have criminal records, perhaps keeping them in jail longer once convicted would suffice.
While I agree that harsher sentencing would be a good idea, it runs against everything the judiciary stands for. And given their “living tree” interpretation of the Charter, judges rule.
Proving that the problem is the federal government, and not local police.
Toronto homicide rate up about 30% since Trudeau elected. I believe Ottawa's is up even more.

Ottawa is up around 40% with that said i blame many yes the feds the city and police all refuse to address it as a serious matter.
