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Toronto shootings

Has anyone else seen the footage of the shooter? It gave a pretty clear view of them.
Yeah...and he fit a stereotype of a troubled individual. How do I know? Because I'm street-savvy enough to recognize the uniform.

I'm sorry to have to sound so thick-skinned and cynical, but all these folks demanding political action to 'stop all of this' live in an insulated dream. Take a look at driving habits alone in Toronto. It's long ago lost innocence. Is it any wonder that nutbars are on the loose on the streets with guns? This isn't gang-related, just whackos. It comes with the territory, and I'm getting just a little tired of friends still pointing to the US. Ontario just elected a moron, in many respects the equivalent of Trump, save that Trump is well past producing labels.

We are there! Maybe not as bad yet, but on the same path. Time to get over the 'Holier-than-thou' attitude. Big City with Big City problems. This isn't a passing fad...
Mass shooting in Toronto on the Danforth. Reports indicate that the suspected shooter is dead...

9 people injured after shooting on Toronto’s Danforth; shooter dead
And here's an ad right up beside the article:


As a society wonders 'How could this happen?' the indications are all around us, like advertisers with absolutely no compunctions to make money off of such incidents.

'Ambulance Chasers' have nothing on these folks...

Btw: My browser blocked my automatically opening that url. Tells you something about the company...

And here it is featured on the London Times opening page:

Woman dead and girl critical after 14 shot by Toronto gunman

And the UK Telegraph, opening page:

News latest

  1. 00:42

    23 Jul 2018, 8:02am
    Toronto shooting: Woman dead and 13 hurt as gunman fires into restaurant before being killed in shootout


  • upload_2018-7-23_2-56-8.png
    129.8 KB · Views: 369
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Really have to keep your head on a swivel nowadays.

Nothing has really changed.
If one didn't have street smarts and a certain sense of realism before, suddenly changing one's outlook won't make them'll just present as hysterical paranoia.
Yeah...and he fit a stereotype of a troubled individual. How do I know? Because I'm street-savvy enough to recognize the uniform.

I'm sorry to have to sound so thick-skinned and cynical, but all these folks demanding political action to 'stop all of this' live in an insulated dream. Take a look at driving habits alone in Toronto. It's long ago lost innocence. Is it any wonder that nutbars are on the loose on the streets with guns? This isn't gang-related, just whackos. It comes with the territory, and I'm getting just a little tired of friends still pointing to the US. Ontario just elected a moron, in many respects the equivalent of Trump, save that Trump is well past producing labels.

We are there! Maybe not as bad yet, but on the same path. Time to get over the 'Holier-than-thou' attitude. Big City with Big City problems. This isn't a passing fad...

I agree with respect to drivers....let's not even go there.

What is it that is supposed to be a passing fad? Shit's always been real here from what I remember having lived here all my life in sometimes very dodgy neighbourhoods.

Pray tell, what is this "uniform of the psychotically troubled" that you speak of?
Cynthia Mulligan @CityCynthia

BREAKING The SIU has released the name of the Danforth shooter as Faisal Hussain. His family issued a statement saying the are "utterly devastated." They say he had severe mental health problems and struggled with psychosis and depression his entire life.

We have a name.
Pray tell, what is this "uniform of the psychotically troubled" that you speak of?
The facade, the obvious role playing from what little was on the video showing him, his demeanour, stance, dress, movement. Just as you can tell with a high degree of accuracy with black sedans and the accoutrements as to the type of driver and their mental characteristics. And needless to say, the music they're blasting for everyone to hear. The 'look' is to evoke reactions that suit the wearer.

Immediate parallels will be drawn to Sammy Yatim. As well as psychosis (and a lot of 'street behaviour' has traces of psychotic characteristics) a culture clash in his youth will be up for examination.

And that 'culture clash' is the basis of a lot gun owning behaviour. Immigrant or otherwise. It has 'cult like' qualities to it. Just like black sedans with ultra-violet lights shining underneath do. Someone needing a gun to hunt and put food on the table is one thing. That's a tool. Those who need them to bolster their own sense of inadequacy *are* the tools.

If it doesn't tingle your sixth-sense, it should.
Just sounds like psychosis to me. He's by himself. I wonder if he tried to rent a van a few days back, and triggered the alert at CN Tower?

The video is beyond appalling. So long as drugs, shootings, and misogyny is glorified it will be a cancer in the black community. There is an active desire to recreate US style problems here.
The new Regent Park is outstanding, over flowing with amenities and funded programs, decent schools, etc. And yet hip hop artists romanticize hopelessness, like heart stricken poets. Toronto is not a tragic place, not a hopeless place, its a safe place despite BLM's propaganda to the contrary. "Smoke Dawg" was an awful influence.

North American society has been glorifying these things for hundreds of years.
The facade, the obvious role playing from what little was on the video showing him, his demeanour, stance, dress, movement. Just as you can tell with a high degree of accuracy with black sedans and the accoutrements as to the type of driver and their mental characteristics. And needless to say, the music they're blasting for everyone to hear. The 'look' is to evoke reactions that suit the wearer.

Immediate parallels will be drawn to Sammy Yatim. As well as psychosis (and a lot of 'street behaviour' has traces of psychotic characteristics) a culture clash in his youth will be up for examination.

And that 'culture clash' is the basis of a lot gun owning behaviour. Immigrant or otherwise. It has 'cult like' qualities to it. Just like black sedans with ultra-violet lights shining underneath do. Someone needing a gun to hunt and put food on the table is one thing. That's a tool. Those who need them to bolster their own sense of inadequacy *are* the tools.

If it doesn't tingle your sixth-sense, it should.


No offence, mate, but you just threw together a pile of tenuously related things and made some grand generalisation out of the soup.

That being said, I get what you're saying. That was just some weirdly poetic way of saying it.
We have a name.

Yup, and a mental illness. Typical. We can't take mental health seriously as a society and then it's all thoughts and prayers. Which, by the way, is a sign of possible mental illness itself, if you're asking me. Thoughts and prayers will save us all, said the schizophrenic.
Did he actually suffer from mental health issues or is this the new "get yourself out of trouble" card to play? Serious question because some of the people who do these things know full well what they are. doing
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Did he actually suffer from mental health issues or is this the new "get yourself out of trouble" card to play? Serious question because some of the people who do these things know full well what they are. doing

He haven't got a "get yourself out of trouble" card to play - he is dead - it is a statement from the family.


No offence, mate, but you just threw together a pile of tenuously related things and made some grand generalisation out of the soup.

That being said, I get what you're saying. That was just some weirdly poetic way of saying it.
I was waiting for that. It's called 'intuition' and it keeps you alive.

Why do you think dogs pick up on it so readily? Ever have a dog...a smart one? They sense gyros wobbling on their axes from a block away. And usually start barking or growling. They'll pick-up angry drunks long before you do. For good reason.

Trust your sixth sense. Just react accordingly though, use it as an alarm to avoid, not react, as there is the chance of getting it wrong.
Did he actually suffer from mental health issues or is this the new "get yourself out of trouble" card to play?
This is a very important point. Where do you draw the line of accountability for actions?

Given the opportunity, I'd love to beat him with a baseball bat about the head. Trouble is, I'd have to wait in line to do it.

I'm astounded by the degree of compassion and forgiveness of some after suffering horrific tragedies of loved ones being the victims of such people. I'm now at a loss for further words, but what I'm saying has to be examined.
“Our son had severe mental health challenges, struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life. The interventions of professionals were unsuccessful. Medications and therapy were unable to treat him. While we did our best to seek help for him throughout his life of struggle and pain, we could never imagine that this would be his devastating and destructive end,” the statement said.

And here's the point already being examined:

To Khdiga Metwally, the medical records spread across her kitchen table are more than a chronicle of her son’s history of addiction and mental illness; they are proof he is not a terrorist.

Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, a 20-year-old Canadian, faces a possible life sentence when he appears in a New York courtroom as early as next month for plotting a 2016 bombing at Times Square for the so-called Islamic State.

But his mother insists the case is not what it seems.

WATCH: Is Canadian man a terrorist or suffering from mental illness?


“Actually, it’s not a terrorist case, it’s a mental illness problem,” Metwally said in an interview at her home in an Oakville, Ont. suburb.

“We have all the reports that confirm that my son was sick.”

Those reports describe brain damage, bipolar disorder, obsessiveness and drug use beginning at age 14 that led to “huffing” — inhaling air fresheners, bug spray and anything else he could get his hands on.

In many ways, El Bahnasawy’s story is familiar: a youth radicalizes online and decides to kill in the name of ISIS. But medical records from four countries obtained by Global News make it more complicated.

The documents are an unprecedented and intimate look at the psyche of a young man who plotted mass killings in the West under the guidance of ISIS.

And they raise complicated questions.

To what extent does mental health explain the actions of some terrorists? Should terrorists with a history of mental illness be treated differently? Is a person with a mental illness, who engages in terrorism, still a terrorist?
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Did he actually suffer from mental health issues or is this the new "get yourself out of trouble" card to play? Serious question because some of the people who do these things know full well what they are. doing

No idea. I also wouldn't say it's a new "get out of jail card" either. It's old and worn.

That's not really the issue though. The lack of seriousness around considering mental health an integral part of normal healthcare is what's the issue here.

You tell me if you think it's psychologically healthy to walk around shooting at strangers.

I'll tell you that it most definitely isn't, regardless of whether or not he knew what he was doing. Sociopathic behaviour is indicative of an unhealthy psyche.

As an example, being constantly stressed out is about as healthy as binge drinking alcohol or eating at McDonald's twice a week. Where's the line there between psychological health and physiological health?
Why do we as a society make a distinction between psychological health and physiological health?
I understand why it was done in the past. It was because psychology and the brain were poorly understood. They still are relatively poorly understood, but they're understood well enough for us to know (those inclined enough to learn or those in the medical profession) that there is NO distinction between psychological and physiological health.
They are one and the same.

So, using the sociopath as an example, it's like having someone who doesn't brush their teeth regularly walking around. It's just going to end in poor health outcomes.
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