Toronto Sherbourne Common, Canada's Sugar Beach, and the Water's Edge Promenade | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto | Teeple Architects

Holy cow, this project is just fantastic! If the rest of the waterfront turns out like this, it will transform the city.
Awesome; thanks for the photos!
Fountains with footwash is great, but I stay away from drinking fountains -- the other day I saw someone holding their dog in a drinking fountain, and this morning I saw an apparently homeless person washing in one. I'll stick with carrying my bottle of water, thanks all the same!
Fountains with footwash is great, but I stay away from drinking fountains -- the other day I saw someone holding their dog in a drinking fountain

As the photo shows, the fountains at Sugar Beach cleverly have a separate bowl for dogs.
Yes, so did the one I saw but the person picked up the dog and held it in the people portion. Yuck.
The whimsy of Sugar Beach, as a foil for the industrial-strength Redpath plant, is one of the more delightfully surreal Toronto juxtapositions - in a city that's constantly reinventing itself and finding new ways of engaging the past in interesting dialogues. But I don't think the design addresses the western flank of Corus all that well, and those puny little stripes on that big rock look rather misplaced. It will be interesting to see what eventually gets built at the north end of the Beach, where that big grassy placeholder berm thing presently sits.
I agree about the rock stripes -- they are far too narrow to convey what they intend to convey.
Thanks for the photo update i42 - the fact that there are wiring for the umbrellas meant that they will indeed be hooked up to lighting. Yet another piece of great news. Can't help but say that Redpath is such an asset for the site.


It will be interesting to see what eventually gets built at the north end of the Beach, where that big grassy placeholder berm thing presently sits.

That would be an even better spot than Corus for something iconic.

A walk around Sugar Beach. (Today) I saw a local celebrity while I was there. He's in the video but you can't see him well. Any guesses? Seems I wasn't the only one filming down there.[video=youtube;a0x503UWnJE][/video]

A bit of the South side of Corus.
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Today they are erecting the third (final?) set of 'sculptures' on Sherbourne Common North - they are clearly getting better at making these (they are cast on site); the first ones have several chips, the second a few and todays's pair look 'perfect".
Is Sugar Beach officially open to the public yet and is the water play thing working? I'd like to take my kids there to play on the weekend, but don't want to get there and have them be dissappointed.
