Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

From dev aps.

Hey urbandreamer how do i find on the city's web site the actual staff report that details both the OPA/rezoning and the site plan approval application for 341 Yonge St?
bAuHaUs, staff reports will not become available until the applications are presented at the Toronto-East York Community Council. Since the applications were just recently submitted, it will be a few months until they are presented at a future meeting. The first report will be a preliminary report. A final report will be prepared when it's time for the Community Council to make a decision on the rezoning application. I am eager to look through the staff report also to get a glimpse of building elevations. Hopefully renders will be released before then.
bAuHaUs, staff reports will not become available until the applications are presented at the Toronto-East York Community Council. Since the applications were just recently submitted, it will be a few months until they are presented at a future meeting. The first report will be a preliminary report. A final report will be prepared when it's time for the Community Council to make a decision on the rezoning application. I am eager to look through the staff report also to get a glimpse of building elevations. Hopefully renders will be released before then.

Thanks marcus and yes I hope details on the elevations & renders will be released soon.
I very much doubt Apple would put a store here, with a recently-renovated store at Eaton Centre, and a rumoured store at One Bloor.
I very much doubt Apple would put a store here, with a recently-renovated store at Eaton Centre, and a rumoured store at One Bloor.

True, but Yonge & Bloor is a world's away from Yonge & Dundas (trade area speaking) and the TEC location is bursting at the a store here would act as relief to TEC and puts Apple in the centre of one of the busiest nodes in Toronto. Having Ryerson nearby just adds to its cache. They do need a street location downtown and this one makes the most sense. We'll have to sit and wait.
For anyone interested, here's a link to a PDF of the Azure article regarding Snohetta that contains an initial rendering of the building in the form of a tooth that was discussed here a few pages back. The rendering is on the upper right corner of the last page.

Another interesting article:
Snøhetta named one of the fifty most innovative companies in the world
It’s not often that an architecture firm occupies a lone berth where no others have gone. But such is the fate of Snøhetta which this year was singled out by Fast Company magazine as being the only design practice to make its coveted Fifty Most Innovative Companies in the World list. Snøhetta, which this year shares the award with such giants as Apple, Twitter, Facebook and Google, was recognised ‘for its design that’s both social and beautifulâ€.

Commenting on the Snøhetta’s selection Fast Company said, “The genius of Snøhetta buildings is in their ‘architecture of engagement’; in other words, these designs consider a structure's social experience - how the user enters, passes through, and lives in a building - to be as important as its form.

This emphasis helps explain why Snøhetta has won culturally significant, emotionally powerful commissions such as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Egypt; the new 9/11 museum pavilion at New York's Ground Zero; and the redesign of Times Square. It also means that the firm measures its success in often unorthodox ways. After Snøhetta's Oslo Opera House opened in 2008, co-founder Craig Dykers was delighted to read that one of the first headlines was about a couple having sex on the oof.â€
It would be iconic if executed properly, but it doesn't seem practical. Wouldn't there be a lot of wasted space on the ground floor because of the way the roof drops down to meet the street? And why would anyone want to walk under? So that they could take a shortcut into the alley? Doesn't seem like circulation within would be all that great either. And a building like that almost needs open space all around so that it can be appreciated.

I know it's just conceptual, but I'd like it more if they lifted the whole thing a storey and a half off the ground, did away with the roof-meeting-the-sidewalk idea (maybe the rooftop garden could connect with a new bridge into the student services building?), and made sure there was ample setback on the north side so that it isn't hemmed in.

Edit: Now, if they did buy up the Empress' lot they could do something like this but a million times cooler. Imagine that building spanning across Gould, with bizarro landscaping on either side. I'm picturing two split-level L-shaped pavillions mirroring each other on the lots, with sloping/terraced open spaces facing Yonge St and this thing jutting out of the landscape in the middle of it all.
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That's a cool idea but they'd have to do more than buy the Empress lot. Gould is still city property. The ROM pays the city "rent" in the thousands of dollars per year just because a tip of the Crystal hovers over Bloor street.
True, but Yonge & Bloor is a world's away from Yonge & Dundas (trade area speaking) and the TEC location is bursting at the a store here would act as relief to TEC and puts Apple in the centre of one of the busiest nodes in Toronto. Having Ryerson nearby just adds to its cache. They do need a street location downtown and this one makes the most sense. We'll have to sit and wait.

If they were going to do another one in the CBD, it would be in the Financial District. Right now Cadillac Fairview is hosting all of the Apple Stores in the City of Toronto (Eaton Centre, Sherway, Yorkdale, Fairview), so look for any new Apple Store to likely be in a CF building, or a building that they have interests in.
According to my sources at Ryerson it will be a decidedly student focus even at street level, I'm not sure how all this Apple store talk got started.
The application has a retail component, the Apple talk is all blue-skying at this point. I would think that Ryerson will lease some of the available space in this centre to a suitable retailer.

OPA / Rezoning 11 146654 STE 27 OZ Ward 27
- Tor & E.York Mar 16, 2011 Application Submitted Mar 16, 2011 Institutional Cescato, Giulio

This is a Gold Star Rezoning application for a new 8 storey (plus mechanical) Student Centre for Ryerson University - with retail at and below grade - No Parking. Library and Study space. Applicant is also seeking an above grade encroachment of a City-owned laneway and a reversal of direction for the same City-owned laneway.

Do we know who Gold Star is?
