Jeezuz H, I can't shuddup any more. I am in the vicinity of the Museum quite often and still I shudder and think to myself "what were they thinking?" This project has turned into a nightmare. The ROM, I think, bought bad medicine.
This "addition" should have been built in the 60s, because it is really just an acid flashback to those psychadelic and heady days. And if that had been the case, the add-on would be getting unbolted now as part of Toronto's cultural renaissance.
While there were once cobblestone sidewalks as we approached the rotunda doors on Queens Park Crescent, and some lovely outdoor display cases, there is now a shard sticking out of the side of an otherwise elegant building, and a tacky lawn at the corner. A lawn!!!
The case existed for a reno. The rotunda has always been a tad presbyterian, they could have spiced that up. The case for a skylight running the north-south spine was a slam-dunk (didn't the Italian architect's competing entry feature something like that?). True also that the old addition facing Bloor was unfortunate -- but they put something worse in its place. I can stomach a renovation which foils the older building by a contrast in style, but that has to be done deftly, not daftly.
The backers of this project are squirming now, I am sure. The wrong paws on this building. It bothers me that the architect now gets the chance to torture the O'Keefe-Hummingbird-Sony Centre; that ought to be left alone as a timepiece.
For heaven's sake where's the taste?
I ought to add that when my partner and I looked at the original all-glass crystal, we both, then and there, said it wouldn't be built, this being a museum and all. We knew it and we aren't architects or engineers or curators.
Take heart, we love Ghery's re-do of the AGO, we just love it.