Toronto River City Condos Phases 1 & 2 | ?m | 16s | Urban Capital | ZAS Architects

I was just about to praise the project--and the towers are cool--but I went to the website and looked at the renderings. They look pretty dismal at ground level. Lots of blank walls, emergency staircases, and trees encased in concrete. I like S+P very much. Hopefully it will work out well.

i think this project will be great. looks like another little community within toronto...kind of like liberty village. Only concern is that they are also building some rental units there also.
does anyone know if it will be luxury rentals?
does anyone know if advertised townhouses will be part of phase one?
Oh no! Young people and immigrants might live there! Let's throw a moral panic!

Oh my....young people moving into Toronto, that wouldn't happen....we're not like Montreal that gets all the young people looking for jobs (and finding them)!

What?'ve got to be kidding...of all places Toronto...this is unheard of...won't that result in diversity & cosmopolitanism...I thought that was reserved for Montreal only!?

What's people?

Or what about people who are non-white, non-straight and young (all rolled into one)? :rolleyes:
I wasn't worried about this neighbourhood until we won the Pan Am Games. Now the city and province will be building the majority of the buildings in the area rather than the market. When the government is building more than 15% of the neighbourhood there is cause for concern.
^ The TCHC buildings over the last few years have been built by/with private sector partners. As will the affordable housing and other structures that are a part of the pan am project.
Does anyone know what part of WDL would be used for the Pan Am athletes' village? Will it change this whole project?

This is something that I have not found alot of information on but would be very interested in learning about!

Hmmmmm, yeahhhhhh...

mostly, but I don't think that the two cities are so dissimilar that you couldn't find places for a CityPlace type project to fit in Montreal - just south of the Bell Centre springs to mind - I just don't think you could find the market to build a CityPlace there.

Anyway, I am thrilled with Saucier + Perrotte's latest and greatest plans for our town, and I look forward to them avoiding The Cheapeningâ„¢, and to a triumphant debut in the not too distant future.


What is this term 'the cheapening' that I am seeing thrown around on these forums?

i think this project will be great. looks like another little community within toronto...kind of like liberty village. Only concern is that they are also building some rental units there also.
does anyone know if it will be luxury rentals?
does anyone know if advertised townhouses will be part of phase one?

Rental units are TCHC, with some market rents some subsidized, certainly not luxury rentals.

The first 'phase' is the phase 1 and phase 2 bldgs which are to be connected. I dont believe there is any townhouses involved in these two phases based on what I have read, but i could be mistaken.

Nov 25 is the VIP broker info event with floorplans, pricing, etc. $179,900 400 sq ft is the whisper;)
Sales days are Dec 5, 6

Looking forward to it!
What is this term 'the cheapening' that I am seeing thrown around on these forums?

The term refers to the process whereby attractive design features seen in a rendering are ultimately either replaced with something cheaper and/or more generic or eliminated all together in the final product. The degree to which it occurs varies widely.
What is this term 'the cheapening' that I am seeing thrown around on these forums?

We have our own lingo - expressing who we are as a forum, and issues specific to Toronto rather than somewhere else - The Cheapening, Cheddingtonista, Clewesian, Big Hair architecture etc.
The term refers to the process whereby attractive design features seen in a rendering are ultimately either replaced with something cheaper and/or more generic or eliminated all together in the final product. The degree to which it occurs varies widely.

Thanks for that explanation. Is something like that legal? Sounds like false advertising to me.

We have our own lingo - expressing who we are as a forum, and issues specific to Toronto rather than somewhere else - The Cheapening, Cheddingtonista, Clewesian, Big Hair architecture etc.

Interesting. I am new here (if you cant already tell :D) so I guess I need time to learn the ropes. I am not an architect or much into that stuff (i have more of an investment interest) BUT I absolutely LOVE progress and to be apart of a like minded community is great.
We're actually of many minds - there was even a recent admission that someone had "half a mind". And there are plenty of investors hereabouts, so you're in good ( and growing ) company if you want to chatter about that sort of thing - especially in the Real Estate section.

The Cheapening is something that is considered very Torontonian - indeed, it's a term used by some here who wouldn't be caught dead talking about distinctively Toronto Style things in any positive context.
could this be the first buildings?

Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 635 KING ST E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 190955 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Nov 24, 2009

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: PUBLIC - PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW, Due Date is 22-DEC-09, >>The development of two buildings connected by an elevated walkway. The western portion of Block 22 will be developed with a 7 storey (23 metres) residential building with 97 dwelling units. Block 24 will be developed with a 14 storey mixed use building on a 8 storey podium building with 252 dwelling units and 28 square metres of ground floor retail space. This development is the first of multiphase development
