Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox

Harper wants to showcase our financial district for the G20 meeting - hence the location.

What do you showcase at Exhibition? General failure and surface parking lots?
I think Toronto will be a great showcase for the G20 meeting.

Harper's ideal behind choosing this location is simple - in an environment where the main topic of discussion continues to be the financial crisis; a stable and strong Canadian system with its gleaming towers is the perfect backdrop for talks to regulate and fix this mess.
construction foreman told me today they are planing to speed a final touch up in the next two months to finish hotel portion in order to accommodate guests for G20 meeting at Metro conventioin centre on june.

... and besides that, says that that hotel is opening 'Summer 2010'.

Feb 19
by me



to add in a video from a couple of days ago

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cool vid Cal! I don't like how the slant will disappear (not be that visible) from this angle... Had they added a couple more floors to the slant, it would be in full view... oh well, at least it'll look good from some places :)
Ritz today from my POV

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

