Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

The first tangible results of what we can expect. It is fascinating to watch what we have at Sugar Beach begin to spread; it is almost organic. (Although I am fully aware of what an herculean effort it was/is to get this done. Photo taken 20 July 2013


Steve Munro is reporting:

•The loop at the foot of Queens Quay will not be available for service as expected in November, and service on the 510 streetcar will not resume until mid-February 2014.
•The track on Queens Quay itself will not be available for service as expected in December/January, and service on the 509/510 streetcar will not resume until the end of June 2014.

Waterfront Toronto has a VERY poor record of bringing in its projects on time. I would be quite annoyed if I lived there or ran a business there. Of course there is nothing about all this on WT website.
Waterfront Toronto has a VERY poor record of bringing in its projects on time.

They lack the authority, direct or via political connections, to whip Toronto Hydro or the Works Department when they are late.

But yeah, they should have called it a 3 year project in the first place and surprised everyone when it came in 6 months early.
Steve Munro is reporting:

•The loop at the foot of Queens Quay will not be available for service as expected in November, and service on the 510 streetcar will not resume until mid-February 2014.
•The track on Queens Quay itself will not be available for service as expected in December/January, and service on the 509/510 streetcar will not resume until the end of June 2014.

Waterfront Toronto has a VERY poor record of bringing in its projects on time. I would be quite annoyed if I lived there or ran a business there. Of course there is nothing about all this on WT website.

I stated to Steve and other almost 6 months ago based on what I was seeing and hearing that the 510 would not use the loop until Feb and Union between March and June.

Union is beyond Waterfront Toronto control. As for the QQ, again a number of things that are delaying things is beyond Waterfront control. Toronto Hydro is the main reason like they have been on all TTC projects by being 6+ months late now. Water issues was another issues that caused more problems than expected.

There are things that Waterfront has control over and they have fallen down on a number of them.

There has been days this years that I never saw a crew on site during work hours and saw no reason for them not being there in the first place. Some of the work that has been done so far had to be redone for various reason and Eastern the contractor is not doing their job to make sure it being done correctly.

Sidewalk work is taking too long to do.
Yeah... I live in the area and it's been blatantly obvious for some time now that the streetcar tracks would not be finished on time. Aside from the bridge near Spadina, they've barely even started. Does anyone know why Toronto Hydro and other utilities are so chronically late on everything? That almost everyone blames the TTC for project delays is really poor marketing and communications on their part. I often wonder if the St. Clair project would be seen in better light had it been made abundantly clear to the public that Toronto Hydro was the reason for the majority of the delay.

The granite installation looks great, but it's going ridiculously slow. It seems like they start a section, dig out the concrete and then do nothing for weeks. It must be a couple months now for that little patch of dirt at the foot of York. Has it been left bare for a reason? I'm assuming the reason they haven't done much on the section west of the Starbucks is because of water and hydro, but that narrow walkway they left for pedestrians is starting to get annoying. It's a real choke point.

For such a massive project there are very few people actively working on it at any one time.
Hopefully, the granite sett installation will be quality work. Sugar Beach and the Waterfront Promenade were done quite well, but Canada Square's granite paving has wider gaps between rows of stones in some places and looks worse for that reason.
Does anyone know why Toronto Hydro and other utilities are so chronically late on everything?

Toronto Hydro has requested twice for an electricity rate increase in order to hire additional construction/maintenance staff; they're falling behind in a number of areas. They've been denied twice.

They're perpetually starved of funding, though this time at the provincial level.
Toronto Hydro has requested twice for an electricity rate increase in order to hire additional construction/maintenance staff; they're falling behind in a number of areas. They've been denied twice.

They're perpetually starved of funding, though this time at the provincial level.

It been like that since 2005 when St Clair started.

Hydro One and the province call the shots as to when and what can be replace to the point they couldn't do a number of things on St Clair or Fleet because they still had life cycle in them. Because of these issues, City Council told Hydro to do the work regardless if there was still life in the various items and they would pickup the extra cost. For QQ, the city has being foot dragging on funding.
It been like that since 2005 when St Clair started.

Yes. Toronto Hydro has been under-funded essentially since Ontario Hydro was broken up. It's no excuse for their lousy scheduling abilities but it is why they have difficulty being pulled in 4 directions at once.
Dec 5
More up on site

If the Spadina Loop is to be back in service come Feb, not holding my breath for that date.

Various sections of sidewalk have new pavers installed.

Still doing a lot of waterline work as well hydro.







