I gave an impromptu tour to a family of Brazilian tourists who asked me for directions and a Mexican athlete that we picked up along the way. At the base of the CN Tower, they asked me for advice on what to see in the city on their first day. I took them through Roundhouse Park to the waterfront.
I was embarrassed about taking them under the Gardiner as one would be to receive unexpected guests and have the living room a mess. But once we arrived on to Queens Quay, my heart swelled with pride. Thankfully, they didn't notice the shitty buildings lining Queens Quay because they were too busy admiring the wave decks and asking questions about our streetcar row and bike network.
We spent some time at Harbourfront. All the PanAm activity there was amazing! I loved the tents with displays tuned to a CBC feed showing the games. I walked them again under the Gardiner (ugh) and quickly up to Bremner, the ACC, through Union Station on to the gorgeous new Front Street, then through Calatrava's Brookfield Place and up Bay to Old City Hall and Nathan Phillips Square.
I highly recommend finding the hospitality in yourself and personally giving people a tour of your city if you have the time. I had a blast and my dog walked 15km today so she's passed out for the day.
To finish off and get back on topic, Queens Quay is certainly the new jewel of the city. Years ago when it was just a mere idea, West 8's Adriaan Gauze liked to say that Queens Quay would be Toronto's La Rambla. Imagining how the tree canopy will grow (am I crazy or do the trees already look bigger?) and seeing the amount of people already using it, I have a good feeling that he will be proven right.