Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

^ Yes, but we're not discussing transit. We're talking about the priority of phases for the Queens Quay redevelopment that involves closing the south lanes and turning them into a pedestrian/bikepath promenade.

That said, it's good news to hear about such clauses. It'll make it more difficult for the Fordists to cancel the LRT extension to Queens Quay east.
Various developments in the eastern part of Queen's Quay (Corus and Bayside) both have clauses in their agreements with the City and Waterfront Toronto that public transit will be finished by x. (I think the Corus date is fall 2011). The EA was completed and an LRT was recommended but the big (financial) problem is improving the underground part to Union Station.

Yep, I know all about this - but it's not various components - it's one thing ... it's the office compontent. And it would be terrible if that didn't go through.

Anyway, the documentation was somewhat vauge in terms of transit needs to be built - so we'll have to wait and see what happens. But the residential phase is going ahead no matter what.
We need the tracks replaced ASAP! There is litterally a streetcar stuck because the tracks collapsed under its front wheels, and its now quite litterally stuck with TTC personel roaming around the site. The front of the streetcar is resting on the concrete. Its between the driveway for 390 QQ and the bridge. They really cant delay the replacement any longer.
Wow... this is becoming dangerous. Why has it been allowed to get to this point? This isn't something that's happened in the last few months, replacement has obviously been delayed for years.
Until the design work is done as well rebuilding the new north road, TTC can only do patch work.
Ironically, the rumour is that it's the TTC itself that's been responsible for holding up the Queens Quay redo, stalling the design process for well nigh a year with nitpicks and inaction.
Ironically, the rumour is that it's the TTC itself that's been responsible for holding up the Queens Quay redo, stalling the design process for well nigh a year with nitpicks and inaction.

Not true, as TTC wanted to do this work years ago.

TTC has opposed the one side of the street since it has no experience in this type of operation.

From my experience with TTC on Cherry St, we had to do some arm twisting to get TTC to look at this idea of one side operation. We had to drag down the street to show them why one side operation was the way to go.

The West 8 QQ design reinforce the idea of one side operation was the way to go.

They may have held up some design work over by Spadina where the tracks go from the centre to the south side as they wanted traffic lights where the eastbound lane cross the tracks. Safety reason. I'm sure some nitpicking took place as it is standard on most projects like this by all parties.

The cause of the derailment was the bricks on both sides of the rail heave up. TTC was removing the bricks today and placing gravel between the rails. It looks like some concrete on the bridge is doing the same thing and may have to be remove also.

The plan subject to Ford rejection is to start work on the Whole Phase 1, not the 800m mid September. TTC will have the track work finish in 2012, but the street will not be finish until 2013. Waterfront plus the City of Toronto have to come up with the extra funds to complete Phase 1.

If you support the plan, drop an email off the Ford saying this and the city needs to push ahead with not only this phase, but Phase II east of Bay St including the new portals at Bay St.

Doing the portal at Bay St should be done with Phase 1 while the line is out of service later this year. Otherwise, it will have to go out of service again for about 2 years to built this new portal.
What part of the portal are you talking about? It appears the provision in the columns is already in place to allow a T under bay street with minimal interference to add the switches. Also after seeing the plans, there are some massive issues with it, IE the complete lack of parking in some areas. When there's a false alarm, QQ will have to be shut down in one direction to allow for the fire trucks, as well business' are going to suffer without the parking. Two, the big Rees St parking lot - its now to empty out at its original spot with no traffic lights, and no other option to exit or enter, while the 350 Drive Way/Fire-EMS Station intersection is getting lights and left turns. Its going to be anarchy trying to exit after an event at the skydome. And I also think the other area that needs to be revisitedl is the not doing anything to the Bridge, except maybe cantivelering the sides to allow a wider sidewalk. The Quay is going to remain the waterfront's garbage dump, and while they say the Peter St Slip wave deck is not going to interfere with boats, I really dont see how there going to accomplish this.... does anyone have renders of this wave deck?
The waterfront's garbage dump? Wow.
Jan 19
Revise Spadina crossover

As for the chains, they were always plan to stop the cycles from riding on the decks

TTC crews removing the bricks between the rails

Looks like some concrete work is going to have to be done soon
A streetcar derailed in that spot earlier this week. Also for the last couple weeks some streetcars have been slowing to a crawl between Spadina and Maple Leaf Quay (as I typed this I'm watching two streetcars motor through without caution, so I don't know why some are slowing and others aren't). They were doing this closer to Rees last year or the year before as well.
Drum, how did the drop in session go? Any timelines for beginning of construction? Does the first phase still involve Spadina to York?
Drum, how did the drop in session go? Any timelines for beginning of construction? Does the first phase still involve Spadina to York?

Very good turn out and a number of familiar faces from the public as well my working team.

Construction is supposed to start in mid Sept for the full phase I if Ford comes up with the extra funding that will push it beyond the current funding for the 800 m. It will be from Bay to west of Spadina if Ford kicks in, since it would be cheaper than putting in temporary stuff. No kidding and should be done as one phase in the first place.

A number of the same problems I heard years ago were still being raise. The only way to deal with some of them, is to tear down some of those buildings or areas and start over with a clean slate. You are not going to be able to please everyone. Parking and lacking of parking along where the buses will be place was another issue. I prefer to see no parking. There needs to be a parking area for tour and School Buses and that been a top item from day one.

I am really looking forward to seeing this street rebuild as plan along with the new LRT line to the east.

As for the streetcar crawling, the tracks and ROW are in bad shape, but some drivers will slow down while other will not. There most likely some track work done this weekend since Spadina is being shut down as it stands now for work.

They did a lot of patch work last year around Ress as this is a major problem area.

A number of the same problems I heard years ago were still being raise. The only way to deal with some of them, is to tear down some of those buildings or areas and start over with a clean slate. You are not going to be able to please everyone. Parking and lacking of parking along where the buses will be place was another issue. I prefer to see no parking. There needs to be a parking area for tour and School Buses and that been a top item from day one.

I always thought that when (if) Canada Square goes ahead that underground parking for cars and buses would be a smart and profitable idea.
