Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

TTC is supposed to start replacing the tracks this year, but most likely be push back to 2012. We will know later this year if this will happen at all since Ford wants no part of streetcars in the first place and this will allow him to replace the lost lanes of traffic under the current plan.

If Ford does this, we can kiss the Waterfront off as the car will run wild down there like they do today.

Those NIMBY at the Spadina Area are putting up a fight to stop the bridge and be prepared for Ford to step in to save the NIMBY folks.

The wavedecks were partly funded by the city.

The pace of the Waterfront project is at a stand still or a snail pace these days.

I see a lot of the West 8 design being water down in the coming years due to the lack of funding for it and that is a shame.

Well they already have meony for 800m of the complete QQ revitaliation whatever that entails. Other then that what's really left with West 8's design other then the bridge ?

I think the key take away is east bayfront will go on - and most of city spending there has already taken place or is currently under construction - the rest if private.

What may be scarifed is the LFR from Union - but even this we'll have to wait and see.
There will be a public information session on the Waterfront plans on January 19 at 235 Queens Quay on Wed Jan 19 from 5-8pm. They will apparently have a 25ft long map/illustration of the plans. PDF Announcement here:

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it, as much as I'd like to. Is anyone going? I would really like to know if it will be a go, and if so, when.
From the last update, work was supposed to begin this Spring. Since this public info session is happening in January, that seems to add up. It also appears from the invite that they have progress to show us. I'm fairly optimistic that this first section of Queens Quay will go ahead as planned.
From the last update, work was supposed to begin this Spring. Since this public info session is happening in January, that seems to add up. It also appears from the invite that they have progress to show us. I'm fairly optimistic that this first section of Queens Quay will go ahead as planned.

What's the first section ?
They really need to replace the streetcar tracks. Seems every month this summer the tracks were getting shutdown for maintence to prevent an accident. And getting rid of the streetcar on QQ is a nightmarish scenario that'll never happen. Has anybody ever seen how packed the cars get during rush hour? Often times in the morning the cars are full and have to skip stops. And I'm sure once the quieter streetcar tracks are installed they'll be people further warming up to them.
Spadina to York.

That's great, thanks! I thought it was going to be the east side or something like that because it was simpler (no streetcar to worry about yet - or ever maybe :)
... and the good news is if this gets the green light (and there's nothing indicating that it will not), by the time construction is over, Ford will be in election mode.

He's going to want to be associated with what appears will be a much loved Toronto project. He'll be busy cutting the ribbon, at which point the next phase will be in the works. So he can't claim to be associated with the project if he's against its continuation.
That's great, thanks! I thought it was going to be the east side or something like that because it was simpler

I think they're going for the best bang for their buck. Spadina to York covers HTO Park to the end of Harbourfront. This is the most used part of the Waterfront today. It is also the part of the waterfront that has the most narrow sidewalks and no bike lanes, so you can see the problem there. That'll be corrected by Phase 1.

In the meantime, Bathurst to Spadina is the Music Garden which has nice wide sidewalks and bike paths. You can say that this section is already served by the benefits of the Queens Quay revitalization: bike path, wide sidewalk and mature trees.

The eastern section of the waterfront is still very early in its development so the Queens Quay hasn't even been developed, let alone redeveloped. It'll come together as that stretch is built up.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it, as much as I'd like to. Is anyone going? I would really like to know if it will be a go, and if so, when.

No problem. I live in the area and am interested in the project. I do not think I can make it in time that day but will try. If I can go, I will be sure to take photos and update y'all.

While I'm I this thread, did anyone ever hear what happened to the case of the clumsy meathead who cracked open his knee on the wavedeck last year and sued the city? I've noticed that they have put chains around the wavedecks this winter whereas I don't remember them being there last year.

I assume that track replacement on QQ was included in the TTC capital budget, which included a 50-odd million dollar line for trackwork. I assume also that this was approved (along with items for new LRVs and carhouse) but have seen no confirmation. Drum, any word?

The Ford team, for now anyway, seems to not be interfering with projects that are already well-advanced, which is good. While a four year lull in new initiatives would be unfortunate, there's such a backlog from Miller of worthy projects that merely getting most of them would be a leap forward for the City.
The eastern section of the waterfront is still very early in its development so the Queens Quay hasn't even been developed, let alone redeveloped. It'll come together as that stretch is built up.

Various developments in the eastern part of Queen's Quay (Corus and Bayside) both have clauses in their agreements with the City and Waterfront Toronto that public transit will be finished by x. (I think the Corus date is fall 2011). The EA was completed and an LRT was recommended but the big (financial) problem is improving the underground part to Union Station.
