Toronto Queen & Portland Loft & Condominium Residences | ?m | 9s | Tribute | Turner Fleischer

24 March 2010 update:

May 28th: work starting on 3rd commercial level along Richmond St. Seem to be taking about a month per floor. Five more floors to go...


June 7th, from the corner of Queen and Richmond:


Working on the 3rd and final commercial level along this side. Four residential levels to go after that.
Great photo. Thanks.

The project looks huge from this one encompassing shot.

Hope you can post more as the construction phase moves on.
Today a huge crane was lowering escalators into the second floor, while a pumpcrete was doing it's thing on the other end of the site.

Stumbled upon a rendering of the landing area for the first set of escalators leading to the second floor. Visible to the left is the entrance to the Loblaws market, while to the right we can see another set of escalators leading to the 3rd floor, where Winners will be located.


Both sets of escalators are already installed, and their positions match what we see in the rendering.
Terrifically dreary! I can't wait!

