Toronto PRIME Condos | 148.43m | 46s | CentreCourt | Arcadis

It's a standard 750sm floorplate - it's not fat. Just poor tower articulation makes it look like it is.

The lot limits what they can do with the massing. 750sm is large. Everyone building to this maximum standard doesn't change that.
And, height is just a number. It's as superficial as a women's bust size. 30 more metres is not going to do a thing.
Oh, but it will. It will significantly increase shadowing onto Allen Gardens.

March 21st at 3:18pm:


another 30m will extend that shadow much further into the park.


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So essentially every tower going up in this city is "fat" then?

Comparably, yes. Most cities have lower maximums for residential floor plates. Fat can be beautiful too. You often get these situations where developers push the maximums on sites too small limiting what they can with the design. I can't offer a solution except to say I wish we didn't have generalized maximums.
I've updated the database file to reflect the new stats… but one of them is only approximate at the moment: the architectural plans do not yet have the height of the screen at the top of the building. In the renderings, the two or three uppermost storeys aren't actually storeys: they're just hiding the mechanical penthouse and/or elevator overrun behind them. Essentially, those elements up top are not fully designed yet, so there are no details regarding total height. For the moment, 147 metres is just an approximation.


Here we go again why change something that looks a little different that works ! Take the easy way out and build another box building !
The old version was awkward and derivative. It was like a poor man's Hearst Building. At least this is a little more cohesive if not inspiring.
Building design wise. The developer didn't have to completely redesign the tower to drop a few metres.
What required the redesign was the shifting floorplate to increase the setback to 4m from the townhouses to the south, the Hearst like design wouldn't have worked any more.
