Toronto Post House Condominiums | ?m | 21s | Alterra | Wallman Architects

It's so that there's a record in the thread of the article, long after the link at the top of the page has disappeared. While the link will be there in the dataBase file, the link in the thread makes the story more easily found by those only reading the threads, while inserting the timing of the story into the chronology of the thread.

It's so that there's a record in the thread of the article, long after the link at the top of the page has disappeared. While the link will be there in the dataBase file, the link in the thread makes the story more easily found by those only reading the threads, while inserting the timing of the story into the chronology of the thread.


I have no problem with that. But it would be nice if Momin at least had something interesting to say once in a while instead of just this:

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And I really don't mean to be disrespectful, but I didn't know how else to say it.

Meanwhile when someMidTowner posts an article, he will often include bonus photos. I also like how you do it:
The thread title for this project has just changed, slightly, as it appears that new renderings highlight 383 as the address of choice for this building. The dataBase file linked at the top of the page has a number of new renderings added, and there's a new front page story too, outlining what we have learned from the supporting documentation submitted to the City for an Official Plan Amendment to allow this building.

The City has 180 days to respond to OPA applications, not just the 120 they're given to respond to zoning bylaw amendments.

Have fun!


Just saying :)


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