I hope we have all learned how NOT to design/plan an empty city block from this development. The towers by themselves are bland, but at least the roof of Success1 has something going for it. Ill wait and see for success2. But the general plan for the whole block is absolute shit. It was designed for maximum views from the units, therefore more value or whatever. But just look at Redroom's first shot... absolutely no consideration given to order or relationship between the towers. I'll ignore the design for a second and give a planning alternative.
The two Success towers should have both been along Bay st, and the units could have been organized to still allow for precious views from all four sides of each tower. The podium should be higher on this street, and along Harbour as well. The driveway should have gone under the podium into an interior courtyard. Phase 1 and 2 could be mirror images on Bay and Yonge streets. If pinnacle wanted, they could fit a fifth tower in the middle of the block too. Profit!
And about the actual design, well, they should have used warm colours like brick, wood, metal cladding like copper, or whatever (not bright primary colours, ffs) on the podium at the very least. When building a new development with very little around it (or especially buildings that are green and gray) dont use green and gray. Theres nothing more depressing than a giant sea of pale green, gray, beige, blah. This minimalistic glass design works only when it contrasts something historic like in the distillery, not when theres nothing else around. But the towers must be glass because thats what sells and the developer wants it, so whatever they just have to be better designed. Emphasize the corners of the block, the top of the tower, and have the shaft of the tower emphasize vertical lines rather than horizontal like we see too much of in this town. Horizontal lines make the tower look more squat and messy, why would you want that? Vertical lines bring out the height and make it look cleaner. Problem solved!
Sorry about the super long post, but I cant stand to hear people praise this crap anymore. The funny thing is, most of what I said is common sense to an architect or planner or even anyone interested in this stuff. So I have to ask myself what happened here? I suppose its nothing more than a cheap developer being cheap.