Toronto Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning | ?m | 21s | Sick Kids | Diamond Schmitt

I think it would look really sharp if that north concrete wall were clad in something black. It would really make the glass "pop"!
I don't really get those random coloured glass panels. It looks odd but otherwise, great project.
No, they aren't temporary, they are a part of the design. That's the one piece of it that doesn't work for me either. If I were DSAI, I would order in glass tp matches the bulk of the design and then replace them. While these coloured pieces do not wreck the overall building, the design is strong enough without them to not require them at all. They should be more confident in it.

I like them. They're saying, "not too perfect", like an image breaking up into pixels. There are just enough to make you notice.

OCAD(U)'s covered in 'em.
( what I'm saying, interchange, is that there are alternatives to Yves Gaucher's grey on grey painting at the AGO. Dig? )
They are permanent? I don't see how they really tie into the rest of the design...Granted i know nothing about design or architecture but it just seems to me that keeping the pattern uniform would have made more sense....isnt there a saying like crime of ornamentation?
Granted i know nothing about design or architecture but it just seems to me that keeping the pattern uniform would have made more sense....isnt there a saying like crime of ornamentation?

They're equivalent to the north east corner of the new George Brown building - where the direction of the cladding panels is at 90 degrees to the rest of the building and formalism is deliberately undercut.
I'm almost positive those are just waiting replacement. It looks like the back layer of the IGU spandrels. If you zoom in on it you can even see that they're set back from the exterior face of the wall by a half inch.
Those coloured blocks are permanent. I've come to quite like them actually.

If you are really not convinced that they are an architecture feature, then why are they all a different colour, and why are those missing pieces of glass smaller than the panels they clad the rest of the building in? If an entire window/piece of glazing was missing, you'd know it. It wouldn't be a small square like that, and it wouldn't have a colour like that; it would be insulation.
Today: Doesn't look permanent but doesn't look temporary either...



