Toronto Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning | ?m | 21s | Sick Kids | Diamond Schmitt

From Kensington Market
When I walked by again tonight, I saw only one additional panel but the glass seemed to be tinted blue, however since I am colour-impaired, I cannot say for sure.
... and Diamond's panoramic City Room beats Gehry's Galleria Italia as a venue for looking out at the city, since the placement of the wood beams along the curved front of the AGO's space acts to block the view.
Can you loiter there?

I agree that it's a feel-good experience, hanging out there in space over Grange Park, but from the outside that thing has all the elegance of a Soviet tractor cab. The swoopy Walker Court staircase is much prettier, as is the curved element on D+S's hospital building. I really don't understand the dislike for D+S that some on this forum have; they can do curvy with the best of them - at the Bahen Centre there's a surprising glimpse of curved facade on offer, for instance.
... and Diamond's panoramic City Room beats Gehry's Galleria Italia as a venue for looking out at the city, since the placement of the wood beams along the curved front of the AGO's space acts to block the view.

Some of us appreciate those beautiful beams and think they are more important than the view (which can be seen perfectly fine between the beams).
The beams are lovely. But if you stand at one end of the Galleria and look along it they block the view of the city due to their width and placement along the curve of the room. That overlapping is a design decision. Diamond's City Room has a big, curved wooden "statement", too, - a four storey screen that's kept away from the windows.
