Toronto Panorama at Concord CityPlace | 96.01m | 28s | Concord Adex | BDP Quadrangle

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If you're asking about the cement plant tucked in between the Malibu project and the Gardiner, yes, that's going.

I don't know when though. I wonder what percentage of the cement used in the city comes from this place, and how much further it will have to come from once the plant is gone. There's got to be a maximum time that you want a cement mix wet before it's poured...

uninformed 42
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I think they are building a "concrete campus" out on the eastern end of the Portlands (near Comissioners and Leslie)

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I believe that cement plant was built by Concord Adex for City Place only. Once City Place is built it goes.
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I thought that was once St. Mary's Cement.

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Concord's plant is east of Bathurst directly north of the Panorama site

saw that the site is already prepared for the St Mary's/CBM portland's location so I imagine the big move sometime later this year - to make way for June Callwood Park and West Harbour City 3
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I don't get it. The name 'Panorama' suggests something tall. A "25 storey spire, rising from a six-level podium" is not imposing by any standards, especially with some of the 400 footers being built in CityPlace.

A poster on the Toronto Skyscrapers forum suggested Concorde changed the original design and name for this tower because they didn't want to get trumped by the Absolute Towers in Toronto's condo wars.

I expected something taller than a 31 storey tower.
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How would Concord releasing a new tower in downtown Toronto be impacted in any way by a project located in Mississauga that is already sold out?

There is no competition whatsoever between these projects and they have no impact whatsoever on each other.

Panorama is a name picked to market the product. Most names picked for condos have little to do with building - just like car names or most corporate names have little to do with the product (Does "Nike" sound like a shoe?). Also it is taller then any of the towers south of the Gardiner between Bathurst and Spadina and will offer 'panoramic' views of the city and water to potential buyers.

The condo market is 'competitive', nobody is fighting a 'war'. In fact most of the developers in the city are pretty friendly with each other - it's a fairly tight knit community.
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The name 'Panorama' suggests something tall.

Or a round tower, which to me makes the name quite fitting for the rendering in the Panorama ad. In fact I was expecting something like a recently-built apartment building in Brazil with revolving apartment units.

A poster on the Toronto Skyscrapers forum suggested Concorde changed the original design and name for this tower because they didn't want to get trumped by the Absolute Towers in Toronto's condo wars.

Cityplace still has a trump card to play in the design of the Signature Tower. If Concord is changing the design of Signature, as widely speculated, I'm quite confident that they will go after something stunning to cap off the whole Cityplace project.

Most names picked for condos have little to do with building

... and some of the ones that did turned out to be sore embarassments, like NY Towers and old Sapphire Tower.
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CityPlace is being one-upped by the Absolute towers from the standpoint that that best in design is due to go up in Missisauga and not in downtown Toronto. Missisauga is going big, bold, and beautiful with the Absolute Towers, which would be landmarks anywhere on the Toronto landscape. The CityPlace towers are nice but not stunning. (As long as all the units are selling out, then I guess that's what matters to developers. And I'm not for a momemt suggesting that the architectural merits of a condo development are as important to the average buyer.) But if you were Concorde would't you want to leave a legacy which says, "the best that was built in the GTA, was built here in CityPlace."
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CityPlace is being one-upped by the Absolute towers from the standpoint that that best in design is due to go up in Missisauga and not in downtown Toronto. Missisauga is going big, bold, and beautiful with the Absolute Towers, which would be landmarks anywhere on the Toronto landscape. The CityPlace towers are nice but not stunning. (As long as all the units are selling out, then I guess that's what matters to developers. And I'm not for a momemt suggesting that the architectural merits of a condo development are as important to the average buyer.) But if you were Concorde would't you want to leave a legacy which says, "the best that was built in the GTA, was built here in CityPlace."

The Absolute Towers from the competiton are nice - but the other towers in the development are pretty bad. Overall I'd say Cityplace should have the better quality towers. We also aren't sure what Signature will look like.
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The towers sitting behind the Absolute towers are completely hideous. They need to hang a reflective drape on the side of those things to make them disappear.
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The design of the Absolute World towerss is extraordinary, I can't wait to see how they turn out. I doubt anything at Cityplace will be as interesting from a design perspective, but Libeskind's design has potential to be as striking.

Maybe 'Panorama' was so-named because its suites have curved uninterupted windows? In this regard perhaps it's aptly named.
Re: Panorama

But if you were Concorde would't you want to leave a legacy which says, "the best that was built in the GTA, was built here in CityPlace."

What qualifies as the best?

Is it architecture? Is it most profitable? It is customer satisfaction? Is it in the number of units sold? Is it interior design? Is it efficient suite layouts? Is it energy efficiency? Is it offering innovative new designs and/or housing technology? Most luxurious? Most affordable? Best health and safety record during construction?

Absolute World would not likely win any of these except maybe architecture (but it hasn't been built yet, so who knows how well it will be executed when compared to other potential stunning projects like the Ritz or Four Seasons).

Concord would certainly be strong in the sales volume category (Tridel is #1 in the GTA) and strong in the affordability category. But there are many many ways to measure best in the GTA and each way of measuring will likely find a different project or developer being #1.
Re: Panorama

The design of the Absolute World towerss is extraordinary,

the rendering make it appear extraordinary, but I somewhat doubt extraordinary applies to a cylinder with differing balcony widths on a slight twist
Re: Panorama

Well from the renderings I've seen so far I think they are indeed quite extraordinary. With the possible exception of Libskind's project I think they're the most distinctive looking condo buildings that have been proposed so far. I'm sure they'll be loathed by many.
