Developer: Maple Leaf Sports + Entertainment
Architect: Baldwin & Franklin Architects, Guernsey
Address: 30 British Columbia Dr., Toronto
Category: Institutional (Sports Facility)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2016
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 2 storeys
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Toronto OVO Athletic Centre | ?m | 2s | MLSE | Baldwin & Franklin

Having a parkway nearby never stopped anyone from developing decent properties directly beside it, much less something surrounded by parkland.


Id sure hate to see some new development trying to mimic the Medieval Times, Muzik, or the Liberty Grand buildings
People should not judge this development by a couple fuzzy pics posted on UT. Training-PP-MLSE.pdf Training-PP-City.pdf
Id sure hate to see some new development trying to mimic the Medieval Times, Muzik, or the Liberty Grand buildings
People should not judge this development by a couple fuzzy pics posted on UT. Training-PP-MLSE.pdf Training-PP-City.pdf

Why not? Are you suggesting that this building as proposed (even as depicted in your linked PDF) is aesthetically more pleasing than say than the Ontario Government Building/Liberty Grand or Automotive Building/Allstream Centre? This is at best high school architecture, not exact stuff that one should be mimicking.

Are you suggesting that this building as proposed (even as depicted in your linked PDF) is aesthetically more pleasing than say than the Ontario Government Building/Liberty Grand or Automotive Building/Allstream Centre?

No, but more in the same category of the, BMO Field, X-Hotel complex, which now-a-days is about the best we can get down there.
Not everything is about architecture my friend
Now you just changed the terms of engagement upon being challenged on the architectural deficiency (i.e. it shouldn't look like Liberty Grand). Shouldn't? Or couldn't?

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Why would free agents care about a training facility? I can't imagine any basketball player gives much thought to them.
It definitely matters, though not to a tremendous degree. Great teams and players today demand great facilities to practice in.

Just to clarify, the functionality I see is more in the internal rather than the external design. This will be the new basketball mecca for downtown Toronto.
Apparently the baseball diamond that is going to be paved over for the new, temporary, parking lot will be converted back to a baseball diamond in 3-4 years.

"It was all a misunderstanding, says city councillor Gord Perks, who serves on the Exhibition Place board. The diamond’s role as a parking lot will only be temporary, during construction of a permanent parking facility nearby. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment has agreed to pay $1 million to restore the diamond when its stint as a parking lot is over."
I wonder how it's going to effect the Arts & Crafts building. I love the dome and the over-all look of the building. Actually, all the historic buildings in the west part of the CNE are quite nice. (the Music Building, the Ontario Government Building, the Flower Building and the Arts & Crafts Building) Why put something that looks like a suburban shopping mall, in an area with beautiful, historic buildings, when it could go anywhere in the city? If it obscures the dome, that would be a travesty.

The western buildings of Exhibition Place was the original location of the Canadian National Exhibition (Toronto Industrial Exhibition). The eastern portion was part of the military garrison in Toronto (York). Today, more of the eastern portion (excluding the Automotive Building/Allstream Centre and the hotel construction) is used by the CNE, except for the Stanley Barracks.

I wish they could return the western buildings to CNE use. The current western entrance is terrible.
Not one moments' attention was paid to architecture at City Council today in regards to this facility. It never came up. The only real concerns were getting this approved right away so that it's open in time for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game, so any motions that might have seen the agreement amended (potentially killing the deal) were voted down. Councillors certainly want the community access this facility will bring. Ford proposed an amendment asking MLSE to give 10% of the public programming time free to those living in TCHC buildings, and was advised that they can ask MLSE to consider that, but requiring it would kill the deal for the time being. Without Ford's amendment to require that, both he and brother Doug were the only two to vote against the facility.

We have a front page story here.

Ward 19 - Tor & E.York District

Site Plan Control application for a new Basketball Training Centre and Practice Facility to be located near the intersection of British Columbia Drive and Yukon Place at Exhibition Place.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Site Plan Approval 14 223125 STE 19 SA Sep 16, 2014 Under Review
How is the address on Strachan? Or is this just a convenience address for construction since it references the entrance to the exhibition grounds?
