Toronto Origami Lofts Condos | 22.55m | 7s | Symmetry | Teeple Architects

Looks great!
Any views looking east and north?
I am guessing the south facade will be blank because it's on a lot line, but I'm interested in seeing the surface treatment, if any.
Looks great!
Any views looking east and north?
I am guessing the south facade will be blank because it's on a lot line, but I'm interested in seeing the surface treatment, if any.


Did you mean the north and west facades? The north face can be seen in the wire drawings I posted on page 7 of this thread, the west face on page 6
with the previous render set. The south facade will be a blank wall but to add some interest we'll run a metal (probably galvalume) siding in alternating directions (you can see this in the previous render set on page 6).
The concept is that of a glass core (the PH and retail levels) wrapped in a wild zinc robe.

Was that invented after the fact in order to ennoble the design with a fancy concept, or was the decision made to have a building that looked like "a glass core wrapped in a wild zinc robe" and then design one to fit the concept?
Was that invented after the fact in order to ennoble the design with a fancy concept, or was the decision made to have a building that looked like "a glass core wrapped in a wild zinc robe" and then design one to fit the concept?

"There is a kind of courtesy in skepticism. It would be an offense against polite conventions to press our doubts too far."

For your benefit, US, here's the one of the very first iterations of Origami by Teeple. My initial direction was for Steve to design a wild dress for
the building to "wear". He came up with the concept of a glass core attired in the wild dress.

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This then evolved into a more playful facade, which still adhered to the original intent of dressing a glass core with a wild wrap.

My initial direction was for Steve to design a wild dress for the building to "wear". He came up with the concept of a glass core attired in the wild dress.

Wow, that's great. You plucked a concept forth ... and he just did it!

But why a building wearing a wild dress? Why not a building like a glazed honey ham studded with cloves? Or a building like a Dalek? Or a building like a waffle iron with a lemon juicer on top? Betcha he'd do one of them if directed.
Wow, that's great. You plucked a concept forth ... and he just did it!

But why a building wearing a wild dress? Why not a building like a glazed honey ham studded with cloves? Or a building like a Dalek? Or a building like a waffle iron with a lemon juicer on top? Betcha he'd do one of them if directed.

Betcha you're confusing Stephen Teeple with Davros.
I have questions: what about the energy efficiency of this project? Average? Although this design has a bit less window area (as a proportion) than the larger condos now being built all over Toronto, still, isn't the time for *real* building efficiency? I wonder what will happen to all these buildings when heating/cooling costs rise? How much more (%) does it really cost to build energy efficiency into the design? Even to go in the direction of fully passive energy design?
