Active Member
Disappointing, isn't it?As a counterpoint to some of the issues raised here:
1) The Ontario Place redevelopment has already been announced, and will maintain all of these existing parking lots, even though the OL will provide high-quality transit to the area.
The Toronto Way.2) While a rail yard might not be the ideal land use, its a lot better than huge parking lots which sit empty 99% of the time (and which we should strive to remove to shift people onto transit).
I would think that prime waterfront land could be put it better use - high quality development (that could even be affordable).
There is empty land and railway land in Thorncliffe Park, which is better than a rail decked area (see what happened to Rail Deck Park).3) Like I said in the original post, the rail yard could be decked over like the Hudson Yards if development was desired.
Hudson Yards was first built in 1851; that's definitely a legacy infra. LIRR uses it only to stop deadheading from the Long Island yards. If we are building 1 yard at either relocation, we are putting it at the ends of the line - deadheading will happen.