Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Previous generations believed in Toronto and demanded more. They didn't excuse bad design and development because they believed themselves inferior to 'Chicago' or anywhere else. This is not how NPS was designed and built, or the CN Tower etc. This is a cultural mood and this does influence standards of what will be accepted or not. I'd like to see us get back to the optimism and ambition of previous generations, and all the more so given how booming, prosperous and priviledged Toronto is relative to many other economys right now.

Ah, but that same NPS/CN Tower era gave us what occupies the northern corners of Yonge + Bloor. Thus, even the "believe in Toronto/demand more" era was prone to cocking up or just plain demanding less upon occasion--no different from today...
I'm sure you're all a jolly bunch but mindless cheerleading about crappy or mediocre projects is hardly constructive and doesn't imply that you *love* Toronto more than others...

Childish. I never said I love Toronto more than anyone. Stop making things up to suit your argument.

Anyways, this great optimism of the past you speak of is also responsible for the kind of ideas that thought it was just fine to demolish anything old for the new. You are looking at the past through incredibly rose-tinted glasses.
Ah, but that same NPS/CN Tower era gave us what occupies the northern corners of Yonge + Bloor. Thus, even the "believe in Toronto/demand more" era was prone to cocking up or just plain demanding less upon occasion--no different from today...

Childish. I never said I love Toronto more than anyone. Stop making things up to suit your argument.

Anyways, this great optimism of the past you speak of is also responsible for the kind of ideas that thought it was just fine to demolish anything old for the new. You are looking at the past through incredibly rose-tinted glasses.

Good points, both... er well not the childish/rosey glasses slam but that not all development in the past was always great either. My point only is that the pervasive cultural mood of the post-war era informed higher expectations, standards and goals. I guess ultimately the danger is in designing 'short term' whether knocking down heritage buildings as Ladyscraper points out(or grafting towers on them as at the Sony Centre) or building too short and uninspiring at key locations like Yonge and Bloor.
I went to the L Tower groundbreaking yesterday and I ended up talking to several of the real estate agents there about the new 1 Bloor. Several different people seemed to have gotten information from someone at Great Gulf that the price psf will be $800-1000 a sq ft. I don't know why I was expecting the price to be lower, given they sold well at that price, but I guess I thought the market had changed. They're supposed to be launching in March of 2010. I haven't combed through this whole thread so if someone has already posted something like this my apologies. Also, it's really just rumours since none of the people who disclosed this to me worked for Great Gulf, but they all obviously had talked to the same person.
The land deal strongly suggests that the $psf would be well above the market average (unless a fairly significant number of units beyond the initial 1BE proposal were dumped on the site to spread the costs). 1BE also sold in a similar price range to that quoted above.
I think "fitting in" in an architectural sense is a good thing. I'll admit it risks sounding like they are shooting for mundane, but I think he may be referring to how it meets the street and other such considerations.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 1 BLOOR ST E

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 178311 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Oct 13, 2009

Project: Multiple-Use Building Sign

Description: PUBLIC - PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW, Due Date is 10-NOV-09, >>Permit for third party signage to be errected on hoarding on private property. Illuminated - Boardering - Bloor, Yonge and Hayden.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 1 BLOOR ST E

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 196487 ZSV 00 ZR Accepted Date: Dec 15, 2009

Project: Multiple-Use Building Sign

There's been quite a bit going on behind the scenes, but no one's allowed to say anything publicly yet.
This will be the most important announcement in years for the city. I'm very happy to see Great Gulf as, IMO, none of the designs to date have been good. Next would be Stollery's demolition acrosss the street. I am sure we will have to deal with some demands to "preserve" its facade in that event. Should Cumbeland terraces proceed we will have a great mid-town dynamic.

I don't know, i always liked this design
