Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Based on what?

I think Aqua up close is a much more visually striking building than One Bloor (or what we've seen so far from it). From a constructability standpoint, I can imagine that Aqua's seemingly random arrangement of balconies must have been a pain to pour. Every balcony is dramatically different in both size and depth compared to the one below or even next to it. I know the same could be said for one bloor, but one bloor's balconies are arranged much more organically and coherent to one another. There are continuous lines that you could draw up and down the building. The pattern is not random and I think Aqua would distract the eye more if the two were next to each other. The effect you get seeing Aqua up close is similar to that of Absolute World. imo.

Aqua's podium has nothing on One Bloor. One Bloor is on another level.

That's Aqua's podium? Seriously? One Bloor puts it to shame, many, many times over, what were they thinking? The tower itself (Aqua) is sensational (at least I think so), but the base literally looks like a rejected throw back from the 70's, or is it just me? :confused:

agreed. The podium on Aqua seems like an afterthought, I also don't like how it's low-rise and spaced across a big plot of land spreading away from the building. Another thing i dislike about Aqua is the balcony railings.
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Peak-a-Bloor I see
I think the Aqua vs. One Bloor debate is not a prudent one because the two buildings should not be compared solely based on looks, One Bloor has not been completed yet, beautiful buildings can coexist simultaneously in Toronto and other cities, and subjective opinions about architecture aesthetics can turn into futile “mine is bigger/better than yours†arguments.
So apparently Buzz Buzz homes has a confirmation from the developer that the official height of One Bloor is 833ft (254m) but on this site and on Skyscraper Forum the height has been 844ft (257m). Do we know the official height for sure?
So apparently Buzz Buzz homes has a confirmation from the developer that the official height of One Bloor is 833ft (254m) but on this site and on Skyscraper Forum the height has been 844ft (257m). Do we know the official height for sure?

does it (3m) matter? It is not a difference between 298 and 301m...
For the sake of having factual information... Maybe it doesn't matter to you guys but official heights are important.
The drawings I have seen have a height of 257.3m
Thanks DarkSideDenizen, I live there, so I can just go outside and watch it progress, along with Aura and the Ryerson Student Centre. Will provide updates (with better quality)!
For the sake of having factual information... Maybe it doesn't matter to you guys but official heights are important.

I agree. And I always think the height should be just the building itself, not any spires on top (not that there are any in this case.) I think it's cheating to put a spire on top and say it's higher. That's like me holding a stick over my head and saying now I'm not 6 feet tall I'm 10 feet tall.
If the podium is any indication of what is to come, I'm going to go out on a wire here and state that One Bloor will set a new standards for both design and material excellence for downtown highrise condos. This building is simply blowing me away.
