A little reminder....
There's an all too forgotten undertow, to this boom in Toronto, and in Canada in general.
There is an acceptance, and embracing, of urban density as forward thinking city planning, There has to be ways to make the city of the furture work, and still function, beyond the age of the automobile. These vertical suburbs, are tackling these issues...
The Toronto boom, will continue, because it is how civic leaders, and business developers, want the city to survive, there must still be growth, and at the upper levels of city planning, there is a future thinking leadership, that deserves a lot of credit, for this growth.
It is not inherent on one leader or term, but rather an entire nation, tackling the issues that face the city of the future,
.....There is so little of this thought here, on any level, ...Chicago sand New York, aside..... the rest of the US, including LA, is about the sprawl, and the auto....
Kudos Toronto!!!! ..... there are other factors, economic, and political, but this is a forgotten part of the equation....and why project after project keeps getting announced, its just as simple as new track housing, just find a parking lot!!!! ..and go up up up!!! And the city says ..... YES