Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Does anyone know how much taller than the Four Seasons this tower will be, just trying to get an idea of its height?

Scroll down the 400' list, everything is there under one of the headings ("completed", "under construction", "site prep" etc.).
Have they actually started digging on the site yet? Until then it's just a storage site for plants and construction equipment.
Have they actually started digging on the site yet? Until then it's just a storage site for plants and construction equipment.

On the previous page a post states that ground breaking is on the 28th, pile driving should begin soon afterward
Snapped a quick picture as I was walking by earlier today.
It's a ceremonial ground breaking, which is more dependant on the schedules of those who are flippin' dirt, rather than a construction schedule.
I think this is going to be the most snapped project in Toronto, getting more hits and replies than even the Trump
Still no construction, excavation, nothing. Unreal. This isn't going to happen. The next couple of months is going to spook everybody, i.e., stock markets around the world will be tanking, including those in China, and the Chinese will be wanting their rapidly depreciating currency back.
There is still a BAUER drill rig on the X2 site that needs to be disembled and then transferred over to the 1 Bloor site. Don't expect anything to happen until both drill rigs are setup at 1 Bloor.
Still no construction, excavation, nothing. Unreal. This isn't going to happen. The next couple of months is going to spook everybody, i.e., stock markets around the world will be tanking, including those in China, and the Chinese will be wanting their rapidly depreciating currency back.
Doom! Gloom!
Still no construction, excavation, nothing. Unreal. This isn't going to happen. The next couple of months is going to spook everybody, i.e., stock markets around the world will be tanking, including those in China, and the Chinese will be wanting their rapidly depreciating currency back.

Funny you should mention the stock markets tanking.

I've been watching as the oil market peaked at $112/barrel recently and now the price is heading south. And economic news not just in the states but around the world spells out a similar gloomy conclusion. Demand destruction in the states and the inability of markets to handle prices at this level when previously it took $147/barrel to trigger the financial meltdown.

And I'm with Jeff Rubin as thinking oil was the culprit that triggered that meltdown that no one has really recovered from. Now we've gotten more than a few reports that Saudi Arabia doesn't have any real spare capacity to calm the markets and a quiet desperation has sunk in. Peal Oil has officially arrived and is beginning to wreck havoc on economies.

A lot of insiders from the oil industry, former engineers/geologists have been sending out warning bells for some time trying to alert people to the fact that in their opinion, the future of globalization is over with the the impending oil/energy crisis and the real underlying problem no one wants to talk about, the real elephant in the room.


There is simply too many people on this planet. Think China, India and the States (closing in on 400 million) as examples of runaway populations heading towards collapse. No one is prepared or has a game plan. Save for resource wars. 7 billion people, shrinking resources, the mother of all energy crisis starting to unfold.

Oh yes, there will blood.......
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What does peak oil have to do with One Bloor? Are we going to have EVERY thread turn into a peak oil thread again?
