Developer: Madison Group, Westdale Properties
Architect: Teeple Architects
Address: 15 Mercer St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Hotel, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 514 ft / 156.66 mStoreys: 45 storeys
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Toronto Nobu Residences Toronto | 156.66m | 45s | Madison Group | Teeple Architects

The window walls still have the dull putty grey colour for the mullions. A richer and warmer metallic bronze colour is what it should have been and would be a big improvement.
Also, the faceted solid panels should have been twice as thick. I had doubts from the start about the proposed design where these panels were supposed to be made of perforated metal due to practical, installation and maintenance issues, so I’m not surprised it was switched to a solid precast panel, but it now lacks the sculptural quality and won’t be very noticeable on higher floors.
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