Toronto Newton at Concord CityPlace | 67.97m | 18s | Concord Adex | P + S / IBI

Could be similar to the delay that occurred years ago during the construction of the two Cityplace buildings on the west side of Spadina, between Lake Shore Boulevard and Fort York Boulevard - the completed excavations sat empty for a long time before construction started. According to the Cityplace representative I asked at the time, they were still in the fine details of the contract negotiations with the builder.

Being older and a little bit wiser (hopefully) now - what I suspect is going on now is a three or four way set of discussions between Concord Adex, the architects (and possibly the engineers) with the construction company as to what the 'value engineering' opportunities there might be to 'refine' the design, and what the associated impacts would be on the construction cost - a process that could continue through a number of iterations until Concord Adex is satisfied that the lowest possible construction cost for the minimally acceptable end product had been reached.

Just my guess anyways....
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I walk by this site daily and I noticed a small sign attached to the fencing yesterday stating there was a public meeting held in September to discuss the addition of 100 non-residential parking spaces and increased residential area.

The note is handwritten and partly faded out so I wasn't able to make sense of the whole thing.
I wonder if it's an addition of parking, or just reconfiguring of the approved parking to non-residential. (Concord Adex has had trouble selling parking spaces as of late. As recently as 2 years ago, spots at Luna/Luna Vista were still available for purchase from the developer) I wouldn't be surprised if it is the latter, especially with the massive demand for visitor parking in the area.
You are correct, the 100 parking spots were unsold and are being converted to non-residential. I took a picture of the sign on my way to work (it's in bad shape).


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It looks like that meeting was held on September 9, 2015. Does anyone know what came of this? It seems like the area hasn't been touched after the schooner excavation. I tried contacting Concord Adex, but they haven't replied to me yet.
Here's the whole deal from the Committee of Adjustment minutes:


To permit up to 100 unsold parking spaces in the parking garage on Block 37 to be used by off-site users. To provide 273 parking spaces for 625 dwelling units. To increase the permitted non-residential gross floor area by 207.0 m2. Note: There is a concurrent Site Plan Application, Block 37 (12 210557 STE 20 SA) for three mixed use towers (8, 18, 30 Floors) with 625 dwelling units, including retail and commercial uses.


  1. Section 2, By-law 1994-805

    The by-law excludes areas below grade used for parking as an accessory use on the lot from the calculation of non-residential gross floor area.
    It is proposed that areas below grade used for commercial parking as a principal use on the lot also be excluded from the calculation of non-residential gross floor area.

  2. Section 2, By-law 1994-805

    The by-law defines parking garage as a portion of a building located below grade that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles as an accessory use to a principal use on the lot.
    It is proposed that a parking garage may also be used for the temporary commercial parking of motor vehicles as principal use on the lot.

  3. Section 4(5)(a), By-law 1994-805

    The by-law requires a minimum of 380 parking spaces for residents of the proposed 625 dwelling units. It is proposed that 273 parking spaces be provided for residents of the proposed 625 dwelling units.
4. Section 7, Part 1 (1), By-law 1994-805 & Section 6, By-law 1430-2012

The by-law permits a maximum non-residential gross floor area of 1,799 m2 and a maximum combined residential gross floor area and non-residential gross floor area of 42,676 m2.
It is proposed that a maximum non-residential gross floor area of 2,006 m2 be permitted provided the maximum combined residential gross floor area and non-residential gross floor area does not exceed 42,676 m2.​


The Minor Variance Application is Approved

It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons:

  •  The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained.

  •  The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained.

  •  The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land.

  •  In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor.
It's good that that the process was approved but the lot has looked the same for a couple of months now. Is there more that needs to be done before they start construction?
