I'm afraid I don't see your point. The detailing is simply average (and believe me I have seen much worse ilk in downtown Toronto, try the ctrl c, ctrl v happening at Simcoe and Bremner), but this tower is just plainly inoffensive.. I mean I could do without the giant side-boob, but overall this tower isn't the disaster I foresaw. The retail space is very well designed, clearly cues have been taken from the secondary HBS precint plan and Monarch has learned that low ceiling heights in commercial spaces does not generate much interest. The height of the retail space is staggering in this one, worth a look see if you're in the area.
I'm more curious how this will tie in with Waterscapes and the Village Court development that will close the implementation on this part of the strip. Waterscapes is retail-heavy and all of it running through the Village Court and along Marine Parade. I assume the same attention to proper retail space will manifest itself there and attract some good eateries the area is lacking.