Happy to see a Subway restaurant in the new Rabba!
Happy to see a Subway restaurant in the new Rabba!
If that doesn't sum up the neighbourhood, I don't know what would.
If that doesn't sum up the neighbourhood, I don't know what would.
Happy to see a Subway restaurant in the new Rabba!
If that doesn't sum up the neighbourhood, I don't know what would.
Lol that's exactly what I was thinking
It is not their existence, it is the fact that they warrant a post. With an ! no less. And I'm not criticizing Josef, there's just such a dearth of options.
I actually like this area -- I spend lots of time at the waterfront around here and can entirely understand why people who value the waterfront more than being in the heart of the city would choose to live here. Hopefully the new developments will fix the problem but the current lack of retail cannot be denied, leading to excitement when even a Subway (inside a Rabba's) shows up.
Grimace and Youranthony0: what a load. There are Subways and Rabbas all over town. You two going to stick your noses up at them?
I'm happy with any retail opening within the Humber Bay Shores, especially walking distance.
The last few comments are a year old but not much has happened retail wise in this area. Does anyone know if there are plans for any of the retail units for Waterview along Lake Shore? They still seem to sit empty. I can walk to about 3 different nail salons within 2 minutes but not a whole lot else. Westlake will be very handy when complete but would like to see more around lake shore / brookers. Does anyone else not think a pub would make a killing around here?