Toronto MYC Merton Yonge Condominiums | ?m | 24s | Cresford | a—A

Its great but change the concern in what way ? It'll always always be a very quiet area ... Merton it self is very quiet.
I guess i'm not in the norm here but I really don't find anything special about this building. The blank walls facing Yonge are unfortunate. IMO, it's a AA catalogue condo. Page 27
I wasn't aware that American Airlines or Alcoholics Anonymous were designing condos now. This is more like "aA perfection, Page 27."
Dec 28





Once they have the balcony glass finished, my take is that this building will appear to have been hit by an earthquake; or at least that it has distinctive fault lines running up its elevations. It's a different effect from what is being achieved at the Distillery with the crimping of the Clear Spirit and Gooderham tower balconies.

I see people on here going on about "not another glass box only distinguished by varying the balconies" (or something to that effect), but I see it as completely nonsensical to dismiss the prominence of the balcony design in the overall effect that an architect wants to achieve. Sure it's a cheap way to get some differentiation between buildings, and one wants more than just varying balcony designs to articulate our future cityscape (a richer well of materials and palette of colours remains to be called upon than just clear, green, grey, and blue glass), but balconies are always going to play a major role in a building's expression, so the whiners will always have something to whine on about. I'll always be happy to have an interesting new twist added to our growing collection of playful modernist towers.
Looking north from the 19th Floor at the Weston Centre - Yonge and St. Clair

Sorry to disappoint - but it won't
