Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

And pedestrians at Bay/College?!! Wow, looks like condos are starting to make an impact on this area. The Bay street streetwall is going to look even better in the upcoming few years.

That area is somewhat well travelled by day, but after 7pm it's still a ghost town along that section of Bay. That should change in 3-4 years providing there is some retail or pubs, or restaurants.
Would this have been the same stream that led in part (together with the Depression) to the curtailment of Eaton's College St?
Re: Murano Crane

"That area is somewhat well travelled by day, but after 7pm it's still a ghost town along that section of Bay. That should change in 3-4 years providing there is some retail or pubs, or restaurants."

Bay Street north of Queen is far more of a residential neighbourhood, albeit a highrise one, than a commercial strip, and will likely always be somewhat quiet after work hours. That's not a bad thing. Not every street in a city has to be bustling and vibrant. Yonge Street is one street away!
Both the Murano and Burano (I think that's the pahse 3 name) have provisions for retail at the base.... althought it will likely be 'local' retail rather then 'destination' retail.

Although I've heard that there is a restaurant planned for the base of RoCP - the north side facing the plaza at 777 Bay would make for a great patio.
Re: Murano Crane

As I passed by the Addison site this morning, it occurred to me that the way they have incorporated the heritage building is perfectly done to allow for a real destination retail at the south end of the building. No question it could be a really high end restaurant, but the key would be getting the right kind of business in there.

Burano? Are you kidding?
^ I'm not - it may not be the "Burano"... but the name is some sort of play on "Murano"... is there another Italian island near the Murano with a similar name?
Re: Murano Crane

I looked it up, Burano is an island in Venice. I guess that makes it OK, but I'm relieved there's not a fourth or fifth building coming. "Jurano"? (sounds like Geronimo) "Turano"? (sounds like Toronto). "Gurano"? (sounds like bat crap). "Purano"? (sounds like a mean fish).
After correctly predicting that the next phase would be called Burano, I stand by my original prediction that a hypothetical phase 3 would be called "Lido".
Murano Crane

Burano is a cute name but IMHO doesn't quite fit with the interesting parellellogram shape of this project. I hear that they are not going to market this as Murano Phase 3, it's going to be a project on its own
call me ignorant, but Burano sounds more appropriate for a project in Edmonton or Yellowknife
Re: Murano Crane

Well, if this design goes down the drain
It may be bad, but it still pales in comparison to Malibu, London, or "San Francisco by the Lake" IMO. At least most people have to actually look up where/what Murano and Burano are....

BTW, I've been lucky enough to visit both. Murano is a neat place, a just like Venice but a fraction the size and with far fewer tourists. If there's another construction phase which is really, really ugly and indusrial-looking they can call it Mestre.
Re: Murano Crane

For those that keep track of height (Canuck)...

I wrote the planner asking what the height of the buildings were due to the increase in the number of floors and I got this response:

The applicant achieved the additional storeys within the zoned height limit by reducing floor-to-ceiling heights of the units. The revisions to the project did not result in any additional height.
