I personally think that this development will be 60 storeys. The evidence for that height is more convincing to me, since we have a credible report with somewhat more detail supporting that height. I think that the later Nadine Robins 80 storey report may have been in error -- not in the existence of the project, but in its height, which may have been miscommunicated to her. The original SSP report:
softee (SSP) 07-13-2011, 10:51 PM -- I work at the Homesense next door and some guys came by today to look at the loading dock in the rear of the store because the whole area has to be redesigned in order to allow trucks to deliver shipments to the store during and after construction of the condo. He showed me detailed plans of the property which included a rendering of the new condo. I only got a quick look at the plans - looked pretty good from what I could tell in a 5 second gander - and he said it was going to be 60 storeys. He also said it might be several years before construction is underway, but it's still pretty exciting for sure!