Toronto Lower Simcoe Ramp | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

Nov 29
The schedule I posted some days ago is not going to happen based on what I saw today and overheard in an conversion. Guild has this project screw at this time and is causing all the delays to the point things will not be done until spring, as well opening this road as plan.

The holes in the new road between York and Bay have been fill in with concrete base.

The section west of Bay St to the first driveway to the east will be the same as the west side.

More Silva cells being install toward York with the rest being cover up to the east

Until there is a sidewalk on the east side of York, other than using a road lane, can't close the west side to rebuilt the intersection there.

Guild only had a 4 man crew on site and installing tubing south on York and back filling it. Lights have been installed on the off ramp, but that it. Nothing between Simcoe and York at this time, even though it ready for them. East of York is totally untouched. No traffic lights up at Simcoe.

More up on site











The schedule I posted some days ago is not going to happen based on what I saw today and overheard in an conversion. Guild has this project screw at this time and is causing all the delays to the point things will not be done until spring, as well opening this road as plan.

Sorry Drum, I'm not quite following, are you saying the ramp won't be open until the Spring now? Or are you saying, the final landscaping won't be done till Spring?
Sorry Drum, I'm not quite following, are you saying the ramp won't be open until the Spring now? Or are you saying, the final landscaping won't be done till Spring?
I am saying the ramp will not open as plan from what I am seeing. As to when, depends on Guild getting the work done and could move to the spring. There is an liability issue taking place at this time and causing delays. What, no idea other than what I heard.

Unless those 2 lanes are open all the way to Bay, you can't open the ramp. You need traffic lights where you can't get away with construction one in places like the ones at York.

Landscaping was 2018 from what I was seeing months ago.
That's so frustrating. So even though thing were way ahead of schedule at the beginning, now it's going to be a few months late because Guild can't put up some traffic lights? Wasn't it supposed to open in January? Now what May?
That's so frustrating. So even though thing were way ahead of schedule at the beginning, now it's going to be a few months late because Guild can't put up some traffic lights? Wasn't it supposed to open in January? Now what May?
Knowing the contractor, if Guild and others were on the ball from day one and had the manpower on site, this road would be in Toronto hands weeks ago, other than landscaping. It not only the traffic lights, but street lights and a few other things.

Don't recall if that section east of Bay was part of this plan, but did note at least a month or so ago, the City was doing things on the fly from what I was seeing.

Opening date that I know of was either the end of December or the first week in January. With 5 weeks to go until the end of the year, with cold weather on its way going to take a lot of man hours with heaters to get all the missing concrete in place for year end opening date. Then, there that white stuff that will cause problems.

We been lucky so far with good weather.
Well if the roadway is done but no traffic lights - just have cops direct the traffic thru the intersections and charge Guild for those hours. It outta light a fire under there ass to complete things. :)
Well if the roadway is done but no traffic lights - just have cops direct the traffic thru the intersections and charge Guild for those hours. It outta light a fire under there ass to complete things. :)
Thats the problem, the roadway is not done with Guild not having their work done for it to be completed. Both the west side of York and Bay need the new turning curb and lanes connected to both streets before been a through road. No big deal if the east side of Bay is not done.
From the meeting notes last month (my emphasis in bold):

C: I know that there are many people who are not in support of the restricted right-turn from Harbour Street to go southbound on Lower Simcoe Street towards Queens Quay. It will lead to a whole circle of driving to access the area.
A: ...City staff are recommending that the right hand movement be allowed and the restriction be put in place after, rather than the other way around.

Q: What are you, or Transportation Services in general leaning towards in regards to the right turn from the Lower Simcoe Ramp to southbound Lower Simcoe Street?
A: We are leaning towards allowing it. However, this is something the community feels strongly about, so we are taking what you tell us into consideration.

(But then...)
Q: What is the group leaning towards? Restricting or allowing the right turn? Are there any comments about what will happen?
A: I would start with the restriction, and then change it if it does not work. For example, in the present, there are many who are still confused about what each of the lanes are for on Queen Quay. The folks using Harbour Street will have to get used to the left turn at York as well. This option provides more access to the downtown core, and leaves things more open in my opinion.

Note: Action: Based on the variety of opinions, the City's Transportation staff are recommending that a right-hand turn be permitted from the ramp onto Lower Simcoe Street. The reasoning for is to avoid increasing the volume of vehicles having to make right-turns at York Street and additional traffic volumes along Queens Quay as local residents travel back towards their homes near Lower Simcoe Street. City staff would like to hear from your organization regarding this matter. Please forward your organizations feedback and comments via email to Paul Martin about this.
Here's how it looked earlier today, starting with the arrows at the end of the ramp:


So that right turn onto Lower Simcoe is on, sweeping curb for the turn:








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From @42 photos, light post going up, backfill the work on the east side of York and York is pave from my visit a few days ago. The arrows were there when I shot the area and never took a photo for some reason of it.

Need to start getting sidewalks built before the snow and froze show up so other work can be done.
Taken Friday, December 1, 2017:


Light poles erected on south side of Harbour Street west of York Street

York Street northbound and right turn lane freshly paved and reopened to traffic.



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