Toronto Lower Simcoe Ramp | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto


Funny story about this photo: a few seconds after I took this, I saw a van turn into the ramp and start going the wrong way. Immediately my brain started freaking out and I'm like 'what are you doing?!' but it took 5 seconds before I realized it was a work truck, and the reason I was taking these photos was because it was closed and being demolished.
TCHC. They seem to be THINKING about this as a development site, along with ALL of the garage, it goes east to Market Street so it's a fairly large site.

OT, but which site is that? Where's the garage?
I see no obvious benefit to connecting Church Street to the Lake Shore and Queens Quay. What am I missing?
I see no obvious benefit to connecting Church Street to the Lake Shore and Queens Quay. What am I missing?
I think the point someone was making was that whether or not there is benefit it is kinda moot because there is a large building in the way.
True. If only there were some way of reaching the lake near to Church street. Oh wait...
I don't know why they went to the trouble of doing a whole precinct study when they could have just looked at a Google Map


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True. If only there were some way of reaching the lake near to Church street. Oh wait...
The map actually shows EXACTLY why - as the area south of the rail berm gets quite heavily developed - a north-south link between Yonge and Lower Jarvis would be a good idea - though not one worth doing UNTIL the TCHC building and the Green P garage are redeveloped. It's what is called 'thinking ahead and I understand why it puzzles you - it is not common in Toronto.
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