Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Anymore updates from today? Will it be open this weekend?
I am sure pics will be posted and doubtful if they will open it all up this weekend, more likely all at once.

Anymore updates from today? Will it be open this weekend?
Unless there is an major pour for Cherry St North right now, no way will it open this weekend. It may miss my Dec 20th date for the road, but not for the cycles path. As of today, the cycles path is full pave, but needs some better patch work where the new meet the existing. Still needs pavers for the curb. Looks like they are not putting in curbs on the east side of the path.

Major push on to get sidewalk in place on Commissioner with the southside being pour east of Cherry on the north side that will require pedestrians to crossover to the southside at the bridge.

Tarp on top of the earth on the east side of the bridge and on the southside for the new sidewalk is to go that will connect to existing sidewalk. Most of the curbs on the eastside has been poured.

See no pouring of the road base on either side of the bridge as well no cycles path..
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Dec 7
More concrete for the eastbound lane has been pour from what I think I saw heading west on the Lake Shore just before Saulter St S westside of the Intersection that is now full close to all traffic.

Traffic Notice​

Lane Restrictions on Lake Shore Boulevard East between Don Roadway and Carlaw Avenue, Don Valley Parkway Off Ramp: December 10-18​

To prepare to move traffic on to the new half of the Lake Shore Bridge, some lanes will be closed on Lake Shore Boulevard East between Don Roadway and Carlaw Avenue. At least one lane will be kept open in each direction. One lane of the Don Valley Parkway Off Ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard will also be closed.
Above: a map showing the status of all roads in the Port Lands during the day, including the lane diversions on Lake Shore Boulevard East and the DVP ramp.

What to expect:​

  • One lane will be open in each direction on Lake Shore Boulevard East
  • One lane of the eastbound traffic will be closed between Don Roadway and Carlaw Avenue
  • One lane of the off ramp from the Don Valley Parkway to Lake Shore Boulevard East will be closed
  • The closures will be marked by traffic cones

Nightly Closures of the Don Valley Parkway Ramps at Lake Shore Boulevard East: Starting Monday, December 11​

To prepare for construction of the north half of the Lake Shore Bridge over the Don Roadway, the ramp to and from the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) to Lake Shore Boulevard East will be closed nightly for approximately two weeks. The nightly closures will start on Monday, December 11. Nightly closures will begin at 10 p.m., and the ramps will reopen by 5 a.m.
Above: a map showing the status of all roads in the Port Lands at night, including the closed ramp to/from the Don Valley Parkway.

What to expect between the hours of 10p.m. and 5a.m.:​

  • There will be no access to the DVP from Lake Shore Boulevard East
  • The exit from the DVP to Lake Shore Boulevard East will be closed
  • The closure will be marked by traffic cones

Construction Update​

We recently added water to the Don Greenway, making it the first of our new wetlands to be completed. The Don Greenway will be a new secondary outlet for the Don River. In large floods, water from the Don River will flow through the Don Greenway into the existing Ship Channel. In normal conditions, the wetlands in the Don Greenway will be sustained by water from the Ship Channel. Watch this video to learn more: Flooding the Don Greenway - YouTube
Dec 7
A few shots with the rest in my backlog
From our balcony at 430pm on this foggy Friday. According to WT's latest IG post, "This new Cherry Street will be open for cyclists, pedestrians and cars before the end of 2023. Stay tuned for more information on the opening! ". Apparently there will be a ceremony / ribbon-cutting event to mark this milestone.

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