Developer: Waterfront Toronto
Address: Cherry St & Villiers St, Toronto
Category: Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

There are quite a few families in places like Regent Park and St. Lawrence that don't have cars. Hockey would definitely be a challenge for those families, but I don't think most kids in Toronto play hockey these days.

Once they decided to put over 10,000 units on Villiers, the choices are to build the streetcar or to have lengthy car trips in and out of the island. You can put that many people in a small space and accommodate car travel for most of them regularly. And unless you are going to put in oceans of parking that's often unused (or a garage like Ontario Place is getting), thousands of people aren't going to visit the new snowy owl park by car.
Great points! I do know that there is a rink on Shuter as well as Moss Park. I imagine that the Portlands will have several outdoor rinks and two or three indoor ones.
Well, there will be two transits system available at least. The Waterfront East LRT ( which I see no reason why they won't extend it to at least the Cherry Bridge entrance, and also the Ontario Line Station at Corktown. Once they open the Red Brick Promenade from 3C site to Distillery District, I am guessing it would take around 15 mins to walk to the station, which isn't be too bad.

In the renderings you can see streetcar inside the island. I guess they can prolly extend the cherry street streetcar down to the Island, tho I am not sure how they would do that without it being a pain. Most likely they will link it to East Harbour Hub, which should be about 20 mins walk? That will be really convenient.

Pretty sure there will be buses. There are always buses in Toronto. Owning a car in Villers Island would prolly suck tho. In my personal experience living in several cities, anytime there are bridges, there are traffic jam.

Honestly, between Regent Park, 3C, and Quay Side, and also East Harbour Hub (and the potential Hearn District), it will be a catastrophic planning failure if the residents cannot at least find something to fill their day to day needs.
It’s funny you mention the red brick promenade- because I was looking up the site for 31R and the ribbon building, along with the path of the Ontario line as it goes from above ground to below. And it made me realize that ain’t never gonna happen now.

i did map out a walking route and it would be a 1.5k/20+ minute walk to either East Harbour or Corktown station from commissioners and old Cherry. (Obvs less to East Harbour if you’re living on the far east end of Villiers). I imagine there would be a bus tho.
It’s funny you mention the red brick promenade- because I was looking up the site for 31R and the ribbon building, along with the path of the Ontario line as it goes from above ground to below. And it made me realize that ain’t never gonna happen now.

i did map out a walking route and it would be a 1.5k/20+ minute walk to either East Harbour or Corktown station from commissioners and old Cherry. (Obvs less to East Harbour if you’re living on the far east end of Villiers). I imagine there would be a bus tho.
I thought the train go above ground around the corner below Cork Town Common? And the Red Brick Promenade is on ground level West of Cherry Street from what I can tell.

I hope the Red Brick Promenade stays. It is like the best way to funnel visitors from one of the Toronto's icon to the new water front. Also without the Promenade, Trinity Plaza and the Whiskey Fountain will be less cool and thematic.
I thought the train go above ground around the corner below Cork Town Common? And the Red Brick Promenade is on ground level West of Cherry Street from what I can tell.
View attachment 625419

I hope the Red Brick Promenade stays. It is like the best way to funnel visitors from one of the Toronto's icon to the new water front. Also without the Promenade, Trinity Plaza and the Whiskey Fountain will be less cool and thematic.

Take that for what it’s worth guess. But if that’s accurate, the ribbon building isn’t happening.

I still always thought it was tough to do a tunnel to connect the distillery to… the lakeshore. Even if and when the parcel across from there was fully developed you’d be connecting the Port lands to the distillery through Lakeshore.

So you’d have lights at Cherry, lights there and lights on Parliament. It would be great to connect the two areas, but cars be cars.
View attachment 625550
Take that for what it’s worth guess. But if that’s accurate, the ribbon building isn’t happening.

I still always thought it was tough to do a tunnel to connect the distillery to… the lakeshore. Even if and when the parcel across from there was fully developed you’d be connecting the Port lands to the distillery through Lakeshore.

So you’d have lights at Cherry, lights there and lights on Parliament. It would be great to connect the two areas, but cars be cars.
Sorry why does this map mean the Ribbon Building isn't happening? Are you thinking the Ontario Line tinnel would-be too shallow here and you won't be able to build the foundation?
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A 2022 document on the LRT shows the Ribbon building beside, not on top of the Ontario Line:

View attachment 625556

The EA profile drawings show the line 20 meters below the surface, deep in bedrock. Unless these are inaccurate, don't see a problem.

View attachment 625557
OK thanks for looking into it, I hope these projects don't die. I am looking forward to the development even if it means I might only see this when I am getting pretty old. I envisioned visitors walking from St.Lawrence/David Crombie/Distillery to 3C/Quayside/Villiers Island and it should be a great way to create visitors flow to the newer areas.

So you’d have lights at Cherry, lights there and lights on Parliament. It would be great to connect the two areas, but cars be cars.
Having lights is fine, I think when the Bentway project gets here, they can do something interesting to keep ppl moving along. This is probably Phase 6-7 when it gets to Parliament and Cherry, but timeline might actually match up to when everything starts opening up.

On that note, I always think Queensway needed bridges. That road is so damn wide and the lights take forever. Any reasons Toronto doesn't have a lot of pedestrian bridges? Most of the bridges are for cars and trains :/
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PortsToronto seem to be starting the work to repaint and repair the Ship Channel Bridge though this is clearly not for the whole project which will take far longer than a month

Cherry St 207m North of Unwin Ave​


Closure Type : Construction

Time Frame: Daily

From: January 16, 2025 Until: February 13, 2025
Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Contractor: Integral Pro Inc.

Description: Structural Rehabilitation and Cleaning and Coating of the Ship Channel Bridge on Cherry Street, Toronto.
PortsToronto seem to be starting the work to repaint and repair the Ship Channel Bridge though this is clearly not for the whole project which will take far longer than a month

Cherry St 207m North of Unwin Ave​


Closure Type : Construction

Time Frame: Daily

From: January 16, 2025 Until: February 13, 2025
Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Contractor: Integral Pro Inc.

Description: Structural Rehabilitation and Cleaning and Coating of the Ship Channel Bridge on Cherry Street, Toronto.
They were working on it back on Dec 18 where I shot some of the area in the rain. They were grading the TTC ROW which will be either asphalted or grass until it is need for the tracks





Where did the Xtra money come from to repaint the entire crane, I thought they only had enough money to repaint the base
