Developer: Waterfront Toronto
Address: Cherry St & Villiers St, Toronto
Category: Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

So- exactly what parts of this project will remain IN this thread once they get going? Will the pedestrian bridge get its own thread soon? (Thats what the barges are starting right?). Does the stretch between the yellow bridge and bascule count as a Lower Don, while anything on the island count as the island?
The Ookwemin Minising thread will be for things on that island, this thread will be for things not on that island but still in the Lower Don Lands area (as you say, the area between the yellow bridge and the bascule bridge). Particular projects will get their own threads too, just like projects in any other part of the city. I imagine that we will create a database file and dedicated thread for the pedestrian bridge soon enough!

So is the park actually opening this year? I went for a walk earlier this week and there is so much construction going on, nothing looks close to being done.
The Ookwemin Minising thread will be for things on that island.

This thread will be for things not on that island but still in the Lower Don Lands area.

Particular projects will get their own threads too, just like projects in any other part of the city.

We will create a database file and dedicated thread for the pedestrian bridge soon enough.

Huh. Okay I think I follow all that. :p

Honestly it's just been really nice that we've had one thread for everything up until this point, but I guess I understand why it needs to be split up as things continue to grow.

I'll try to remember to put the right photos in the right spot.
Huh. Okay I think I follow all that. :p

Honestly it's just been really nice that we've had one thread for everything up until this point, but I guess I understand why it needs to be split up as things continue to grow.

I'll try to remember to put the right photos in the right spot.
I appreciate that it's extra effort for members at times when we split threads. Large amorphous areas like the Lower Don Lands / Port Lands are initially easy to cover in one way, but as more named features get added it gradually gets more complicated in that original thread. Anyway, I'm prepared for more posts where things are generally lumped together, but whatever can be done to minimize that, so much the better!

But what if I’m off the island, shooting the island BUT the post is not ABOUT the island but rather the view from off-island? And vice versa
