Developer: Waterfront Toronto
Address: Cherry St & Villiers St, Toronto
Category: Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

I reiterate one salient point about the winning scheme: it's clearest in accounting for the "minor" heritage, like the little bank building S of Keating Channel...
I liked this proposal the best, but overall I found it hard to believe there weren't better proposals out there.
West8's plan was the most realistic... so realistic in fact that it is being implemented just one short year after it was commissioned.

I think that the wavy boardwalks and plenty of timber will be a Toronto signature just as much as is the CN Tower and the SkyDome.... which reminds me.. thank gawd they ditched the kitchy Maple Leaf in the harbor.

Did they? They still seem to be a part of the plan in the link GB posted in the other thread (which is where the Leafs should probably be discussed).
This is the most exciting part of the waterfront. I'm really hoping that the Keating Channel area turns out as well as I'm imagining. It could be a real centrepiece of the waterfront.
i saw all the phases that this has to go through before actual buildings and infrastructure begins to get built. does anyone know the timelines for those phases or just in general how long this will take?
I was at the open house earlier today and the MVVA alternative is the preliminary preferred alternative. Pending further studies, it should be ready for submission by the end of the year.

I was at the open house earlier today and the MVVA alternative is the preliminary preferred alternative. Pending further studies, it should be ready for submission by the end of the year.

What have they been doing since last May when the MVVA plan was selected? By the end of the year? Seems like they are really taking their time.
What have they been doing since last May when the MVVA plan was selected? By the end of the year? Seems like they are really taking their time.

The EA process have to follow certain requirements - it requires alternatives to be evaluated, for one (plus public and stakeholder consultations). And keep in mind that MVVA did their proposal in 8 weeks - there is a lot of fine-tuning to do.

Actual construction won't start (at the earliest) in 2010.

I always wonder about these EAs when the the preferred design is already known and miraculously the EA preferred option based on "completely unbiased" evaluation always leads to the preferred option.
I always wonder about these EAs when the the preferred design is already known and miraculously the EA preferred option based on "completely unbiased" evaluation always leads to the preferred option.

Gotta burn through the funding somehow! God forbid one of these sorts of projects actually comes in under budget.
