Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Thank you! I have taken a few screenshots of information from the 2017 documents listed in the above to give a rough idea of what was seen as appropriate guidelines on the understanding that this could totally change!

I will also note that 6 Leslie Street is being actively promoted. This thread is getting large.



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Feb 25
Lake Shore
The westbound bridge has been removed, that will see the existing piers removed to allow the building of the new piers for the new westbound bridge.

The new north conduct bridge is now double the length from when I saw it in January as well the east end is now encased in concrete. You can see the new retraining wall being built north of the area as well as to the west that shows how wide the new mouth will be when built.

Work is taking place to the east for the new westbound lanes.

About 20 meters on the south side of Keating channel for the new Don River has been removed with some sewer line work taking place.

Villiers road stop signs need to be removed since the road doesn't exist anymore.

Lower Don Lands
Work is taking place for building the new Don Roadway.

The hut that was at the Don Roadway is at the east end of Villiers behind the fence for closing the road off.

Several cycles were planning to use Villiers as the signs to the east say so according to the riders. I had to point out to them that the road was closed, and they needed to use Commissioner Street to get to the New Cherry Street.

I had my first walk over the bridge after many failed attempts to do so as well drove across it as well. Between poor weather and work along with the roads opening so late the day I was there for it; I didn't find the time to look at the new roads or have a look from the bridges until today.

I noticed columns have been built across the New Don River holding back the water for the new river and don't know when they were poured but couldn't be seen from Villers all these years until today.

While shooting the close Cherry St bridge, had to tell a few walkers to go to the New Cherry St to do it. I guess road close signs don't mean a thing to them until they see the fence.

At the same time, a few people waiting for at TTC bus stop that is no longer runs on Villiers as well Cherry St as TTC has fail to remove the signs or put a noticed on them being not being service anymore. Point out to the folks where they had to catch the bus now. Then there is the shelter that must be removed as well and let's see how long it takes TTC to do these things.

The other traffic lights I was seeing on Commissioner St other than for the Don Roadway are for crosswalks.

New Cherry St
I don't expect to see the lights working on the South Cherry Bridge until all the work is done under it.

It was sad to see the LRT ROW and walk across the bridge known people will be gone before a streetcar runs on it and were hoping to do so before their number was up as I not holding my breath that the current dates will happen as plan.

Got a few shots of the Cheery St bridge befor it gets remove from the LRT bridge

Try out the new camera I will be using for videos and need to check a few things from the first attempt as well getting used to it. The dashboard for the car was an issue as it has less space for a new car to hold the camera and I will have to use a tripod on my next attempt.

First of three videos I shot and need to do it again. Photos will follow in batches since I shot close to 400 today for the area as I am just starting on Feb 22nd ones.
This is for the bridge ducting I saw yesterday

Don Valley Parkway On/Off Ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard Closed Nightly: February 26-28, Additional Dates in March​

To install a utility conduit underneath the reconstructed intersection of Lake Shore Boulevard and the Don Roadway, the ramp to and from the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) to Lake Shore Boulevard East will be closed for multiple nights between February 28 and March 29. The first period of nightly closures is Monday February 26 to Wednesday February 28. Additional occasional night closures are expected until March 29. Night closures will start at 11 p.m. and will reopen by 5 a.m.
Above: a map showing the status of all roads in the Port Lands during the night closures of the on/off ramp between the Don Valley Parkway and Lake Shore Boulevard East.

What to expect between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. on nights with closures:​

  • There will be no access to the DVP from Lake Shore Boulevard East
  • The exit from the DVP to Lake Shore Boulevard East will be closed
  • The closure will be marked by traffic cones
  • Electronic signs in the area will share night closure dates in March


To learn more about this project, please visit the Port Lands Flood Protection project website.

To send us questions or concerns about construction, use this online inquiry form.

You can also email us at

For urgent construction related issues, please contact Cameron Coleman, EllisDon, at 416-594-2198.
A variety of ‘themes’. And one artsy fartsy 😄



Plug closeup…


Work on the south bank…


Moving heaven and earth (ok, primarily earth) to make this beautiful new park. (And are those structures for a culvert of sorts?).


These waterways look inviting…







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I noticed that WT has sprayed the lawn areas with seed mix so expect grass in the Spring. What is happening to the burlap covered edge of the bank? Is it covered or does it disintegrate? Can’t tell from rendering.
I noticed that WT has sprayed the lawn areas with seed mix so expect grass in the Spring. What is happening to the burlap covered edge of the bank? Is it covered or does it disintegrate? Can’t tell from rendering.
The burlap will rot but by then there should be live plants and their roots will help to stabilise the banks, just like a 'real' river~
