Toronto Love Park | 3m | 1s | City of Toronto

The tree on the island in the pond hasn’t started to leaf out yet. Can’t get close enough to see if it’s budding. Is it dead?
The tree on the island in the pond hasn’t started to leaf out yet. Can’t get close enough to see if it’s budding. Is it dead?

Should be fine, it's always late, it's a Northern Catalpa, they like warm weather, not keen on our springs, native to Tennessee.

That said, next time I'm down there, I'll take a close-up and have a good look.
Taken today May 17

Gosh, I love Claude Cormier's work. He really seems to be able to find just what is needed for a space, bringing sophisticated intricacy, whimsy and skill. In the middle of a blue-glass walled blank, he's given Toronto a warm, fanciful heart. There's the urbane little miracles of Berczy Park and Sugar Beach, which have had an effect way bigger than their modest size. There's the space-expo modernist abstract of The Dream Ballet at the L-Tower / Meridian Hall.
Just as Hariri Pontarini's success shows how starved for curves and elegance Toronto has been, Cormier has really shown up the poor quality of many of our public spaces.
Can we, like, hire these two firms to set the bar for quality in this city, or something?
Is that tree on the island still supposed to be this bare?

This was asked, and answered just up the page.

Link to answer:

Gosh, I love Claude Cormier's work. He really seems to be able to find just what is needed for a space, bringing sophisticated intricacy, whimsy and skill. In the middle of a blue-glass walled blank, he's given Toronto a warm, fanciful heart. There's the urbane little miracles of Berczy Park and Sugar Beach, which have had an effect way bigger than their modest size. There's the space-expo modernist abstract of The Dream Ballet at the L-Tower / Meridian Hall.
Just as Hariri Pontarini's success shows how starved for curves and elegance Toronto has been, Cormier has really shown up the poor quality of many of our public spaces.
Can we, like, hire these two firms to set the bar for quality in this city, or something?
More Claude Cormier!! Give him keys to city. Let him do everything. There should be a Love Park right beside CN Tower. Or another one downtown w change of colour to heart- shaped water feature. Seriously. But it’s baffling why big city Toronto lacks high quality Landscape architects. There’s a few but limited. And why they are not being commissioned for more work in the city? Parks budget is pitiful. Conservative mayors are the worst. And also Toronto is historically cheap and parks & public spaces are/were way down the list of priorities. Shows so badly. Concrete grey condo city.
