Toronto Love Park | 3m | 1s | City of Toronto

My best guess on why the river rocks lining the bottom would be to discourage anyone from attempting to get into the water and wade across the pond to the island and discourage dog owners from use it as a play pool for their dogs.

My second and more reasonable guess is that a plain light coloured bottom will easily lead to unsightly and uneven algae growth. The use of the river rocks will balance out whatever algae growth may happen.
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Correct me if I am wrong - but I don't think they are adding fish into the pond.


I'm not aware of any fish in the plan.

I would also add, I can't imagine any surviving that water being frozen solid in the winter, particularly to a depth that would support skating.

Fish can over winter in a pond that's frozen at the surface, but still water underneath; but not one that's a giant ice cube!

Fish eggs, however, might survive.
I really don't see the point of this pond if it's only 5 cm deep. It just seems like a way to take up space. If they don't take care of it and the water gets murky, it will actually be a eyesore not a benefit. The heart shape is hard to see anywhere but from above, I guess it sounded cool to the city councilors.
I really don't see the point of this pond if it's only 5 cm deep. It just seems like a way to take up space. If they don't take care of it and the water gets murky, it will actually be a eyesore not a benefit. The heart shape is hard to see anywhere but from above, I guess it sounded cool to the city councilors.
I think it will be lovely. Fountains are just as shallow and are a constant draw across the (few) parks that have them in the city, IMO.
I really don't see the point of this pond if it's only 5 cm deep. It just seems like a way to take up space. If they don't take care of it and the water gets murky, it will actually be a eyesore not a benefit. The heart shape is hard to see anywhere but from above, I guess it sounded cool to the city councilors.
ok Doug
I really don't see the point of this pond if it's only 5 cm deep. It just seems like a way to take up space. If they don't take care of it and the water gets murky, it will actually be a eyesore not a benefit. The heart shape is hard to see anywhere but from above, I guess it sounded cool to the city councilors.
Right on! This pathetic excuse for a park replaces a busy and absolutely essential off ramp from the Gardiner. It's all out war on motorists and it's not fair! :->
Right on! This pathetic excuse for a park replaces a busy and absolutely essential off ramp from the Gardiner. It's all out war on motorists and it's not fair! :->
I really like the park as Toronto wasn't really built with green space in mind creating a concrete jungle. I am a big advocate for parkland, but i feel that the pond does not really serve as a proper pond at this depth. It is more of a reflecting pool like at a memorial site than a pond. In all truth getting off the gardiner is a pain without the off ramp, it really is a war on motorists ;-)
I really like the park as Toronto wasn't really built with green space in mind creating a concrete jungle. I am a big advocate for parkland, but i feel that the pond does not really serve as a proper pond at this depth. It is more of a reflecting pool like at a memorial site than a pond. In all truth getting off the gardiner is a pain without the off ramp, it really is a war on motorists ;-)

It was meant to be a reflecting pool, not a "pond".

A phrase that is easy to use for me to use in the context of the conversation you quoted (and wasn't a party of), not to describe the design intent - which you can look up from the competition scheme.

Yes, I understand. It was a mistake on my part to refer it as a pond. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to offer the city another skating rink as the one in front of the city hall is really crowded all throughout the winter.
Yes, I understand. It was a mistake on my part to refer it as a pond. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to offer the city another skating rink as the one in front of the city hall is really crowded all throughout the winter.

It IS planned for winter skating, LOL We covered this just in the last day or so.
