Toronto Love Park | 3m | 1s | City of Toronto

I don't think anyone has posted the construction schedule - this is from CLC 2 back in October:


And there are some details from the Aug CLC 1 that I don't think we have seen here:

Minor adjustment of the plan:



Fenced dog area:


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I'm really concerned this is going to be another case of render trickery, a la June Callwood Park.
I'm really concerned this is going to be another case of render trickery, a la June Callwood Park.

I'm not concerned on that front; and hope not to be proven wrong.

I don't believe we've seen such on a Cormier project.

He's typically fastidious about quality control.

If you spent any time around Berczy when it was getting done you probably would have run into him.

He was often there checking that things were being done to his specifications.
I'm more worried about Rees Park down the street... Maybe we can get Mr Cormier to quickly redesign that one with the same level of scrutiny

Unfortunately, in my judgement, you're right to worry about that one. The budget and project ambition are misaligned.
I have to say that the name play (heart of the waterfront) and the heart shape being so visible from so many vantages (condo and office units nearby) is a genius aspect of this design. I like that it adds whimsy and playfulness and engages users at ground level and those in the sky.
If this comes out close to rendering, I can see it becoming an iconic spot in Toronto. One that would be recognizable... I can see locals going but even more so tourists... I can see it being a spot where they'll film scenes for movies that are shooting in Toronto.
If this comes out close to rendering, I can see it becoming an iconic spot in Toronto. One that would be recognizable... I can see locals going but even more so tourists... I can see it being a spot where they'll film scenes for movies that are shooting in Toronto.
Valentines Day 2: Love Amidst the Spandrel. Lionsgate Films, 2024. PG Dir. by Bruce McDonald. Patrick Huard stars as Claude Cormier. When a Montreal landscape architect creates a new park in Toronto. he doesn't know what he's in for when an entire city falls for him. Comedy ensues as anyone in the park sees Cormier arm-in-arm beside them in the magical reflections of the heart-shaped pool. Can Cormier get the mass-restraining order in time, or will he be drowned by his own exquisite kitsch?

Since October, work has progressed on excavation for the services building and the pond, and the fencing has been extended onto the sidewalk on York Street as well as part of the sidewalk on Harbour Street. In December, drilling work was also undertaken to remove an unexpected concrete obstruction that was discovered during excavations for the pond and maintenance facility in the park.

Finally, in some unfortunate news, the site suffered a break-in, and we are looking for any available security footage from Dec 31st – January 3rd pointed towards the park site. Alternatively, if you saw or heard anything suspicious during this period, kindly let us know and we can pass the information along.

Lots of valuable equipment was stolen from the site trailer and our contractor is looking for any help. A Police Report has been filed.
Since October, work has progressed on excavation for the services building and the pond, and the fencing has been extended onto the sidewalk on York Street as well as part of the sidewalk on Harbour Street. In December, drilling work was also undertaken to remove an unexpected concrete obstruction that was discovered during excavations for the pond and maintenance facility in the park.

Finally, in some unfortunate news, the site suffered a break-in, and we are looking for any available security footage from Dec 31st – January 3rd pointed towards the park site. Alternatively, if you saw or heard anything suspicious during this period, kindly let us know and we can pass the information along.

Lots of valuable equipment was stolen from the site trailer and our contractor is looking for any help. A Police Report has been filed.
Not much love there for Love Park. /sigh
