Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

You have a quite the board definition for glass boxes.
Technically Shangri-la is actually a hexagon, though not overtly so. In any case I think the design clearly differentiates itself from the typical Toronto glass box. I see Shangri-la, along with Burano, as a unique and refreshing take on our glass highrises and I'm hoping that future designs take inspiration from them.
This pairing is awful. What if the architects had actually done their homework, and complimented the historic BB with a red brick podium? A very typical overtly fussy Vancouver-style design. Fail of the year!


There's so much going on here I think they just built a homeless shelter of scrap metal, cardboard and old mattresses!


Why not stick to one simple box with limestone or red brick accents, for example this sort of thing:


Balconies as a teminal point on the Av really ruins it for me...and way up at 50s+ rather useless on most days of the year.


Grade: D(umb)
Perhaps you partied yourself in to delusion tonight? well maybe not the party part, but the delusion part for sure. The only way this is a fail is if you believed it would be a fail even before the building was built and made your decision a long time ago. Although I will give you the fussy boxes at the bottom part. BUt the tower, the real gem, is great looking in my opinion.
Perhaps you partied yourself in to delusion tonight? well maybe not the party part, but the delusion part for sure. The only way this is a fail is if you believed it would be a fail even before the building was built and made your decision a long time ago. Although I will give you the fussy boxes at the bottom part. BUt the tower, the real gem, is great looking in my opinion.

So one isn't allowed to dislike the tower portion because you think it's great? I agree with you that the tower looks great, but the base is a mess.
When these rooms at the bottom of the building are complete, operating and all lit up full of people they are going to bring some great visual interest to the street and I think the tower rocks. I like the mash-up of styles at the bottom, it's a refreshing change from the standard podium and I visualize this as being a success. We'll see.
I think this base is really great and works exceptionally well. Nice materials, very dynamic and the length of the facade (on University) is broken up by very interesting elements that are all pulled together. Success.
great pics ^^^ the skyline is getting a LOT busier and is a lot busier than last year. crazy how much the skyline changes every year.... now gimme a super tall!
i find that the tapered/slanted east facade looks really awkward when you can't really see it, like in that shot ^^^
most people won't get it unless they see it up close/where it's suppose to be viewed from... right now it just looks uneven.

the east side is amazing!... when you get the angle right!

and ya, great shot of theatre park. it's going to be crazy skinny and completely dominant in those 2 blocks.
This pairing is awful. What if the architects had actually done their homework, and complimented the historic BB with a red brick podium? A very typical overtly fussy Vancouver-style design. Fail of the year!

Completely disagree. I think the contrast really highlights both buildings in a very complimentary way.
I noticed the first part of the "fins" framework in place today. It's about 2 storey high (should completely cover the 2 mechanical floors).
